RFK Jr’s 12-part plan to make America Healthy again


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Kamala Harris has absolutely no interest in doing any of these recommendations. Maybe she’ll adopt my plan instead? What do you think?

Executive summary

On September 5, RFK Jr. published a 12 step plan in the WSJ on how to make America healthy again.

I’ll offer my plan too.

Let me know which plan you like better.

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My plan

  1. Let doctors be doctors instead of telling them what to do
  2. Protect the free speech of doctors by prohibiting retaliation for anything that is said.
  3. Get rid of the liability protection for vaccine manufacturers
  4. Revoke the medical license for any doctor in America recommending any vaccine
  5. End the mandates. Make it illegal to require vaccination as a requirement to attend school or work.
  6. Replace the head of the CDC and FDA with someone who recognized the dangers early
  7. Make all public health data publicly accessible, especially the record level data
  8. Make it a criminal offense for drug companies to manipulate clinical trial data, commit fraud, or conceal evidence of a safety problem. Prosecute offenders.
  9. Hold regular public debate forums inviting qualified scientists on both sides of an issue to debate to help resolve important questions like whether vaccines cause autism
  10. Encourage Americans to stick with unprocessed foods and avoid added sugar (including HFCS).
  11. Compensate victims of vaccine injury.
  12. Make it a criminal offense for doctors to knowingly remain silent when people are being killed by a medical recommendation.
  13. Criminally prosecute the people at the CDC who ordered William Thompson to destroy the evidence linking vaccines and autism and those who went along with the fraud. They should be locked up for the rest of their lives for what they did. We need to send a message that people will be held accountable for clear scientific fraud.

RFK’s plan

• Reform the Prescription Drug User Fee Act. Pharmaceutical companies pay a fee every time they apply for a new drug approval, and this money makes up about 75% of the budget of the Food and Drug Administration’s drug division. That creates a barrier to entry to smaller firms and puts bureaucrats’ purse strings in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry.

• Prohibit members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee from making money from food or drug companies. Ninety-five percent of the members of a USDA panel charged with most recently updating nutrition guidelines had conflicts of interest. This is from the same government that brought you a National Institutes of Health research finding that Lucky Charms are healthier than ground beef.

• Review direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical ad guidelines. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to the public. News channels are filled with drug commercials, and reasonable viewers may question whether their dependence on these ads influences their coverage of health issues.

• Change federal regulation so that NIH funds can’t go to researchers with conflicts of interest. A 2019 ProPublica analysis of disclosures going back to 2012 found that over 8,000 federally funded health researchers reported significant financial conflicts of interest.

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