REPORT: Chinese Agents Have Operated Unabated In U.S. Under The Biden-Harris Govt


by William Upton, The National Pulse:

The BidenHarris government appears to be turning a blind eye to Chinese state-sponsored harassment of political dissidents, anti-communist protestors, and advocates for minority rights living in the United States. While there has been a crackdown on illicit Chinese-operated ‘police stations’ in New York and San Francisco by the Department of Justice(DOJ)—more clandestine but highly organized efforts by the communist country to suppress the rights of anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) activists in the U.S. have largely continued unabated.

According to an analysis produced by The Washington Post, Chinese diplomats coordinated with various Chinese-American and Chinese national-led interest and community groups to target and silence anti-CCP activists ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s 2023 visit to San Francisco. The effort, led by individuals with ties to the United Front Work Department—an internal CCP group tasked with organizing foreign Chinese influence operations—resulted in violent attacks on political dissidents, pro-Uyghur, and pro-Tibet activists in the days leading up to and during Xi’s visit to the U.S.


“Anti-Xi protesters were attacked with extended flagpoles and chemical spray, punched, kicked and had fistfuls of sand thrown in their faces,” the newspaper claims after having reviewed hours of footage and photographs from San Francisco protests.


The semi-clandestine influence operations—often aimed at suppressing dissidents abroad—have long been a problem in the United Kingdom and Australia. However, the scale of China’s network of agents and allies in the U.S. has been less clear until recent investigations and arrests.

A former aide to Governors Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and Kathy Hochul (D-NY) was arrested on Tuesday morning and charged with operating as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of China. The unsealed federal indictment states that Linda Sun edited official statements to be more friendly to the CCP—among other actions—in exchange for millions of dollars in payments.

Meanwhile, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), Kamala Harris‘s 2024 running mate, is drawing congressional scrutiny over his long-standing ties to China. Walz praised the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and lauded the ideals of international communism to students at Nebraska high school while teaching in the state during the 1990s.

The National Pulse reported in May last year that the government in the United Kingdom shared addresses and banking information for anti-CCP dissidents living in the country with the Chinese Communist regime. Having governed Hong Kong until the 1990s, Britain is a popular destination for pro-democracy activists seeking refuge from the Chinese authorities. Additionally, in September 2023, UK Parliament aides were arrested on allegations of spying on behalf of China.

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