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Monthly Archives: September 2024

The TSA Let a Bomb Maker On a Plane for the Dumbest Reason

by William Upton, The National Pulse:

The BidenHarris government’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA)—a subagency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—allowed a suspected bomb maker to board a flight in 2023 with little scrutiny even after his carry-on bag set off explosive residue censors. Aram Brunson, who had previously set off an explosion at his University of Chicago dormitory, was able to board a flight from Boston to Armenia after simply telling TSA agents that he did not know why his bag had set off censors.

According to court filings, Brunson had researched how to assassinate public officials and produced videos on the Internet on how to build explosive devices for several years as a college student. On January 2, 2023, Brunson detonated a device in his dorm, prompting a police and firefighter response. Federal prosecutors now allege that Brunson was building explosives to assist Armenian fighters in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Caucasus, which is contested between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Israel’s Plan for Gaza Comes Into View

by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

Unit 601 of the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps is clearing a vast swath of land across central Gaza splitting the 25-mile-long territory into two parts. The so-called Netzarim corridor (Highway 749)—which crosses Gaza from east to west—will provide faster transport for IDF troops operating in the area and will also function as vital part of Israel’s security cordon separating the north from the south. There is no doubt that military outposts will be established along the corridor as well as in locations along the western coast. The aim of these actions is to protect the development of new settlements that will be built north of the corridor. In short, the Israeli government is using its war on Hamas to divert attention from its real objective which is the expansion of the Jewish state on Palestinian land.

Can the Dollar Survive a Civil War?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

COMMENT: It appears that your forecast for an American Civil War will also materialize. You have pointed out numerous times. People make immediate decisions like conquering Iraq and never think what is the end result. They Have done the same with these illegals. Thank you for pointing out the stupidity of their actions. What will happen when the checks stop. And then they want to disarm us. What a combination.

THE BIDEN HARRIS LEGACY: American Citizens Terrorized In Their Homes By Venezuelan Prison Gang Tren de Aragua In Sanctuary City Denver Colorado

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua is terrorizing citizens in Denver Colorado and other sanctuary cities, let in by the open border policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

For nearly four years now, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have carried out the open border policies of Barack Obama, and as a result, over 7,200,000 illegal immigrants have entered into the United States. One such group, Tren de Aragua, a prison gang from Venezuela, have come to settle in Sanctuary Cities all across America, with Denver Colorado being the largest inflection point. It is there that American citizens live in fear, locking themselves into their apartments behind steel security doors, as armed illegal immigrants roam about unchecked.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Something is going on with Argentina’s gold, according to the following article shared by D.P.(for which we are grateful). The question is…what?  The article, as one might imagine, has its own speculations, and I have another:

New shipment of Argentine gold abroad reported

According to the article, the administration of President Javier Milei is trying to get a return on its gold by investing it, rather than simply storing it: