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Monthly Archives: September 2024

The Twilight Zone

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

“Imagine if you will, a situation in which the economy of a nation is overdue to experience an economic collapse of epic proportions, but remains endlessly at the brink. Every day, a collapse is more likely, yet the economic house of cards remains in a state of suspended animation. Some people become increasingly edgy, while others become more complacent. Only a few choose to actually prepare for what’s coming.

“An impossible situation? Yes. But we’d be well-advised to recognise that it couldn’t only occur… in the Twilight Zone.”

For those old enough to remember The Twilight Zone, the quirky “what if” American television programme, this episode introduction by host Rod Serling would seem to fit right into the show’s format.

She’s EXPOSING how Big Pharma lies, obscures and prevails | Redacted Conversation w Sharyl Attkisson

from Redacted News:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Even Most Third World Countries Do Not Have As Much Theft And Violence As We Do

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

How does it feel to live in one of the most crime-ridden nations on the entire planet?  Our major urban areas are absolutely teeming with predators, and millions upon millions of law-abiding citizens are literally afraid to leave their homes at night as a result.  Of course at this point it isn’t exactly safe to be strolling through the streets in the middle of the day either.  On Saturday afternoon, a wide receiver that was a first round choice of the San Francisco 49ers during the most recent NFL draft was shot in the chest as a thief attempted to steal his Rolex watch…

‘Getting along with Russia is good’ – Trump

from RT:

Engaging positively with such countries as Russia and North Korea is a “smart” thing to do, the former US president says

Engaging with Russia and North Korea, and “getting along” with them, would be a “good thing,” former US President Donald Trump has argued.

Speaking at an election rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, the Republican nominee touted his diplomatic efforts to fix Washington’s ties with Pyongyang, referring to his 2019 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas.

LIFE SAVING CANCER CURE? – The Censored Testimonies That Could Save Your Life!

from World Alternative Media:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

RFK Jr. on the All-In Podcast, says we are “going to see a very different President Trump than we did in the first term”.

Nomi Prins: End the US Dollar Chokehold on the World

from Scheer Post:

The “big club” that “you ain’t in,” as George Carlin famously put it, is increasingly visible as the presidential election rolls on toward November. Politicians and the donor class that controls them have made it known to the public that they are not representatives of the majority but rather the small elite minority. Nomi Prins, financial historian, author and former Goldman Sachs managing director, joins host Robert Scheer on this episode of the Scheer Intelligence podcast to describe exactly how this process works as well as touch on the evolution of the world economy away from the U.S.

Ep. 3439a – Kamalanomics The Destroyer Of Economies, Trump Is The Builder Of Economies

from X22 Report:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Austrian Court Case Reveals More Evidence of Biden, Democrat Corruption in Ukraine

from 21st Century Wire:

One of the most viewed clips from Donald Trump’s recent interview with Elon Musk was the words that President Joe Biden deliberately used Ukraine to push the world towards World War III. At this point, one cannot discount the possibility that the current occupants of the White House could initiate some global catastrophe event in order to divert attention from its many corrupt activities. In fact, the President is facing yet another obstacle in September in Los Angeles, where a court will resume the federal case regarding his son Hunter Biden’s non-payment of taxes, where he could receive up to 17 years in prison if found guilty on all nine charges including three felonies, and six misdemeanors. This will almost certainly have a negative impact on the Democrats’ presidential campaign. On top of that, following the elections in November, Joe Biden himself will not only lose his presidential position, but may also become the subject of numerous anti-corruption investigations. Will they try to divert attention to another major crisis, to save the Biden clan’s legacy?

Populist German AfD Party Makes History, Wins Crucial State Election as Europe Rejects Globalism


    by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

    The populist, anti-migrant invasion Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has won a crucial state election and is in the running to win another.

    According to latest projections, AfD is dominating in the state of Thuringia with 32.8 of the vote and has 30.8 percent of the vote in Saxony, where they are just one point behind the Christian Democrat Party. Saxony is too close to call as of Sunday evening, but AfD is assured victory in Thuringia.

    Bombshell Undercover Video Exposes the United Nations

    from Vigilant News Network:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    The Guardian: ‘Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest’

    by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

    America’s tiniest tyrant Robert Reich has a new column in The Guardian calling on regulators around the world to “threaten” Elon Musk “with arrest” for allowing too much free speech.

    From The Guardian, “Elon Musk is out of control. Here is how to rein him in”:

    Here are six ways to rein in Musk:

    1. Boycott Tesla.

    “Sustainably” Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature: The Case of O.N.E. Amazon

    by Mark Goodwin and Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout:

    The architect of BlackRock’s ETFs has teamed up with a group of companies tied to US intelligence and US government debt trading to tokenize the Amazon rainforest and borgify it with a large-scale sensor network in order to create a new form of “digital gold.”

    Episode 3873: Exposing Woke Businesses; Turning Out The Vote In Texas

    from Bannons War Room:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Formula for Disaster: The Shocking Truth About Infant Nutrition

    by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

    Is your baby’s formula a nutritional lifeline or a chemical cocktail in disguise?

    In a world where convenience often trumps health, millions of parents unknowingly feed their infants a cocktail of industrial chemicals, pesticides, and synthetic nutrients – all in the name of “nourishment.” But what if the very substance meant to sustain our most vulnerable population is actually setting them up for a lifetime of health issues? The truth about infant formula is far more complex and concerning than most realize, especially when compared to nature’s perfect food: breast milk.