Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Monthly Archives: September 2024

Fake news now at peak as Kamala faces CNN “interview”

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

Wherever you look, it feels like we are being bombarded now with an unprecedented level of fake news. One reason may well be how the installed governments by western elites – military industrial complex and banking – are getting very skittish indeed about a shake up of world order in November when the airhead Kamala Harris takes on Donald Trump in the presidential elections. This new trend of installing a useful idiot into power has been around for decades across Africa and Asia where the U.S. and before that the UK installed their own despots to serve their own needs, so we shouldn’t be so shocked by someone like Harris having the landscape prepared for her.

Jason Aldean: The Las Vegas Shooting, Transgenderism in Schools, and Politics in the Music Industry

from Tucker Carlson:


The Luciferians Have Captured The Sperm Of The Jabbed To Depopulate, Destroy, And Enslave Humanity! Most Americans Are Completely Unaware Of Being Hemmed In By Tyranny

by Kathleen Gotto, All News Pipeline:

Many Americans are completely unaware that we are being hemmed in by tyranny on many fronts. The medical tyranny kicked into high gear with the manufactured, gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 “disease” in December 2019, and then the subsequent COVID-19 Bioweapon of Mass Destruction (BMD), which used the duplicitous term of COVID-19 “vaccine.” Duplicitous because the world was sold a sh*it-load of lies about both the manufactured disease and the “vaccine.”

Whitney Webb on Tom Bilyeu’s channel:“…this underclass will become cognitively diminished and mentally unable to make decisions for themselves without AI’s help.”

by Grzegorz Ochman, The Duran:

“The Club of Rome is an entity that has a very intertwined history with groups that have become infamous over the past several years, like the World Economic Forum, for example. Dennis Meadows essentially said something to the effect that, for the good of people, the planet, and the economy, it would be necessary either to reduce the world’s population so that people could have freedom and use resources as they want, or that a scientific dictatorship would have to be imposed on 8 billion or 7 billion people in order to ensure accurate allocation of resources, all of this by an educated, technocratic scientific elite.

GPS data reveals that an FBI special agent, previously linked to multiple other shooters, was within 1,000 feet of Georgia school shooter Colt Gray on 11 separate occasions over a 14-month span.

President TRUMP’s INFO campaign winning, Generational awakening, THE FUTURE, PRAY

from And We Know:


Chase Bank “glitch” is the new term for Check Fraud

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Over the weekend, people have taken over a trend that had been going viral over writing fake checks to themselves and depositing it into their accounts by going to the ATM and taking out the allotted amount written on the checks. The check amounts would be for an obscene amount and the people would just keep withdrawing until the check would bounce. It started with a group of people making a video telling everyone to make a check out to themselves and go to the ATM and keep withdrawing and they would come up with thousands of dollars- a lot of people caught on to this and followed their lead.  The ones who followed this scheme shared videos of themselves actively going and doing this crime, proving to others that they should do it, too. Well.. they surely did out themselves for jail time.

CDC’s Disturbing New COVID Vaccine Guidance for Infants | Beyond the Headlines

from Vigilant News Network:



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Today’s blog is unusual because it is not about an article that was shared, but rather about a “tweet” on the former “Twitter” (now “X”) that was shared by V.T., and the “tweet” caused me to think about more connections and “combinations” of the sort I was warning about in last Monday’s blog.  The “tweet” or “X” was this:

Now why would a tweet about the deaths of people who have invented so-called “free energy” devices have triggered my thoughts today? Indeed, I’m so “triggered” that I had difficulty deciding whether or not to put this under the “Call it Conspiracy” tab or “Babylon’s Banksters” tab, and it could easily go under both. But again, why am I compelled to write about a “tweet” rather than about an article or normal blog?

Secret Service’s Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion Request Agents Attend LGBTQ+ “Out and Equal” Workplace Summit at Disney World Amid Shortage of Personnel

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Meanwhile at the Secret Service…

The Secret Service’s Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion sent out an agency-wide request for agents to attend an all-expense paid trip to an LGBTQ+ “Out and Equal” Workplace Summit at Disney World in Orlando October 7-10.

This comes as the Secret Service is spread thin and struggling to meet demands. Things are so bad that the US military is being called in to supplement Secret Service personnel.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Can Destroy The Deep State With One Blow

from The Alex Jones Show:


Aurora Business Owner Describes Migrant Chaos: ‘We’ve Been Forced to Put Bulletproof Glass Up’

by Hannah Knudsen, Breitbart:

A woman who owns a business adjacent to the apartment complex taken over by Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado, said she has been forced to put up bulletproof glass to protect her business, describing the chaos in her community caused by migrants to Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater.

Russia Destroys Two U.S.-Made HIMARS Concealed By Ukraine

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Russia has reportedly destroyed two multiple rocket launchers (High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS) that Ukraine was attempting to conceal. The systems taken out had been concealed in Sumy Region, from which Kiev launched its recent incursion into Russia.

Russia has been systematically destroying many of the missile systems that the West has provided to Ukraine, and is unafraid to tell the world about it.

FBI Warns North Korea Will Steal Your Crypto, Sen Lummis Issues The Bitcoin Reserve Bill

from X22 Report:


Central Bank Gold Buying Trends and the Federal Reserve’s Inflation Strategy

by Money Metals Exchange, Activist Post:

In the latest episode of Money Metals’ Midweek Memo, host Mike Maharrey explored two key financial topics: the surge in central bank gold purchases and the historical perspective of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet activities, with a focus on inflation.

Central Bank Gold Purchases Surge

Maharrey discussed the most recent data released by the World Gold Council, which showed a significant increase in gold purchases by central banks. In July, global central banks added 37 tons of gold to their reserves—a staggering 206% increase from the previous month.