Not Another Video About 9/11…


by Jow Martino, The Pulse:

As we approach another anniversary of 9/11, I continue to think about this event as one of the most powerful catalysts for breaking the illusion.

12 years ago I released a documentary about something I call the shift. It’s a concept people often call the Metacrisis today.

It simply states we are at a time where many unfolding ‘crises’ are happening on our planet at once. A loss of trust in institutions, reaching the limits of planetary boundaries, global polarization, the crumbling of major institutions etc etc, oh… and the rise of a new consciousness. This idea has been highly prophesized within ancient cultures as well.


In that film, I pointed to 9/11 as a key catalyst for breaking the illusion. If you recall, my concept of breaking the illusion refers to the shattering of a ‘truth’ around a major belief someone has in their life. It could be about something external to them or internal.

If this process is nurtured, it can lead to an expansion of consciousness, thinking, and seeking that opens a person up to a greater sense of the nature of reality and even potential for themselves.

If not nurtured, and someone goes ungrounded into ‘red pill’ mode, they may lose all sense of what is real, have no idea what to believe, and will often end up blackpilled. (Blackpilled refers to essentially believing everything is always bad or corrupt, and those in power have ultimate control, will always be evil, and we can never fix or change anything.)

Breaking the illusion is a particularly relevant process on a planet where humans have been fed a great deal of deception for the purpose of gaining power. After all, the Moloch dynamic is alive and well on earth, and it incentivizes deception in the name of greater power and control.

Thus, to snap out of the trickery of Moloch, one must break the illusion.

This year, myself and Dr. Madhava Setty, an engineer, author and physician who formerly worked in the US defence industry, decided to have a slightly different kind of conversation around 9/11.

We wanted to have a conversation that looked at the technical documents and explanations provided by the US government about what happened on 9/11. Further, we dive into where and why people tend to get so stuck in avoiding real questioning of this event and the problem this poses in making sense of our society altogether.

The purpose of this talk is to try and provide something that can be sent to others to have a deeper conversation without going full-on into conspiracy mode. How can we bridge gaps? Reach across the divide meaningfully and in good faith?

Enjoy the conversation below, and let us know what you think in the comments. 🙂

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