MSM, The Enemy Of The People: Media Does Not Prefer Democrats, They Are Democrats – A Department Within The Party Whose Job Is To Glorify Everything The Party Does


by Rajan Laad, All News Pipeline:

The word ‘bias’ is inadequate to describe what the mainstream media has devolved into. Bias means an inclination, leaning, or preference, but nothing beyond that.

For instance, you may prefer the films of Akira Kurosawa, but you also enjoy the work of other masters such as Kubrick, Hitchcock, Bergman, Eastwood, and Fellini.

The members of the media don’t prefer the Democrats, they are Democrats. They must be seen as a department within the party whose job is to glorify everything the party does and denigrate anyone who stands against it.


Those who claim to cover the news must stop referring to themselves as the media. Because the media, by its very definition, is supposed to be a channel that transmits i.e. depicts the occurrences as accurately as possible.

The legendary Rush Limbaugh often ran montages of utterances from media ‘experts’ following an event. Their opinions across organizations were always identical and so were their choice of buzzwords. If this had occurred just once or twice, it could be called a coincidence. But the fact that it happened regularly proves that the media was, is, and will always follow orders from a single Democrat spinmeister.

A perfect example is the Democrat’s usage of the word ‘weird’ was used to describe the Trump campaign. This was immediately repeated by the media. The ‘weird’ claim was preposterous, especially since the Democrats are the ones hosting topless transvestites on the White House lawn. The attack didn’t quite catch fire, even among liberals.

What is the situation in the country and beyond now?

The border is open, crime is rampant, inflation is high, there are two major wars in progress, Afghanistan is controlled by terrorists due to Biden’s withdrawal, government agencies have been weaponized to target political opponents, and the list of catastrophes is endless. All this began under Biden and Harris.

How are the PR agencies that masquerade as the media reacting?

They seldom mention any of the serious crises the nation is suffering due to the maladministration of Biden and Harris. If they talk about it, they either blame circumstance, call it unavoidable, or resort to their favorite — you guessed it — blame President Trump.

Joe Biden was ‘elected’ despite being non-compos mentis. During his ‘Presidency,’ he looked dazed, confused, and listless. But he did manage to win the Democrat Primary with roughly 15 million votes. But George Clooney and the Democrat bosses had enough of Joe and hence he was forced out of the race and replaced with Kamala Harris who hasn’t won a single primary vote.

If Biden is unfit to campaign, he is unfit to be President. Many have wondered who is running the nation and who will make tough decisions should a crisis befall the country. This is an attack on the highest office and a mockery of Democracy.

How do they cover Biden?

If you were to follow the media, Biden was sharp, agile, and detail-oriented from January 2021 to 27th June 2024.

From the June 28 debate to July 20, Biden was pronounced senile and cognitively compromised.

From the 21st of July following his withdrawal from the race, Biden was back to being capable, in addition to being selfless.

There is no consistency among the utterances from the media during these three periods Even worse, they don’t care about how they sound or appear. They are like a PR agency hired to promote one product and then move to the next.

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