More Than Anything, Survival of the Constitution Is on the Ballot in 2024


by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

The dividing lines between Republicans and Democrats are now more like ever-widening chasms. We can barely see each other from our entrenched positions.

There is a lot of talk in mainstream media and among Democrats about a fundamental shift in the Republican party because of Donald Trump’s influence. The only thing that’s changing in the GOP is the way the party goes about the business of politics. Trump has energized the people who long ago grew tired of losing to Democrats because the Bush Republicans were more interested in angling for Fox News jobs than in winning elections.


The principles of conservative Republicans haven’t changed.

In reality, it’s the Democrats who have been creating the rift. They have been undergoing a progressive makeover for a long time and what they consider to be the center is hanging out somewhere on a beach in Cuba. If you had a time machine and went back to the early 1980s and brought Tip O’Neill to 2024, he’d switch parties and be a moderate Republican. Heck, he’d be more conservative than Mitt Romney, Larry Hogan, or whichever squish is running Ohio these days.

There really are two Americas now, and one of them is filled with people who hate America.

Democrats have been rewriting American history in public schools for decades now, telling everyone they can that they’re embarrassed by it. Because they are gluttonous when it comes to awful ideas, the Dems aren’t content with merely overhauling the past to their fictional liking; they want to chart a completely new course for the country’s future. There’s one thing standing in their way though: the Constitution of the United States.

Democrats don’t hate all of the Constitution, of course — most of them would take a bullet for the Sixteenth Amendment. They just tend to despise much of what freedom-loving Americans place a premium on.

The First, Second, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments are particularly problematic for them, as is anything having to do with the Electoral College.

Sure, they will pretend to be fans of First Amendment rights because their propagandists in the mainstream media need to hide behind it while lying to the American people as part of the Democrats’ multi-pronged approach to election interference. As we have seen so often in recent years, they prefer a very selective application of free speech that applies only to them. Dems would prefer that people like me and my colleagues be shut down and silenced for good.

If Kamala Harris’s “Duck and Cackle” campaign helps her get to the White House, the executive branch will unleash a full-scale assault on free speech, the right to bear arms, and due process. The Biden administration’s thuggish ways will seem reasonable by comparison.

Then they will set about trying to do away with the Electoral College. Articles bemoaning its existence are staples of the Opinion sections of The New York Times and The Washington Post.

We joke a lot about the gulags here (well, I do) this year but, come on, we know they’re coming.

The Democrats are focused on two things this year: destroy Donald Trump, then destroy the Constitution. The goal is a one-party totalitarian state that they laughingly suggest will be ushered in by a Trump victory. As I wrote in a Morning Briefing headline back in May, “The Democrats Are Everything They Say They Fear About Trump.” They’re all for putting a dictator in the Oval Office; they just want one they can control.

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