McGovern: ‘A U.S. Two-Front War and Tactical Nukes Are a Real Possibility Now’


from 21st Century Wire:

Will a desperate Biden administration resort to a desperate move to try and rescue its abysmal failure in Ukraine ahead of the upcoming US election in November?

Neutrality Studies host Pascal Lottaz explores the emerging geopolitical conundrum which Washington now finds itself in. This discussion unpacks real meaning of Jake Sullivan’s China trip has nothing to do with US-China relations and everything with the war in Ukraine, says Ray McGovern, a renowned US intelligence analyst. Sullivan went to China to sound out the possible Chinese reactions to a US escalation of the Ukraine proxy-war with the use of the last weapons that the American’s have not yet shipped to its Kiev war-implementation partner, namely tactical nukes. However, it is also clear that the Chinese would react to such an escalation in their very own ways. Watch…


Guest Ray McGovern served as a CIA analyst for 27 years. His duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief. In January 2003, Ray co-created “Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity” (VIPS) to expose how intelligence was being falsified to “justify” war on Iraq.

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