Left-Wing German Coalition Government Stunned by Nationalist Wins in Eastern Germany


from The Conservative Treehouse:

We have often said the American people are in an abusive relationship with our government; meaning the priorities and important policies of the majority of Americans (specifically immigration, economic nationalism, Ukraine spending, and the core elements that have created the Trump/RFK Jr coalition), are not represented in the legislative outcomes of a UniParty congress.

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In essence, the USA government, both parties, are deaf to the voices of American citizens.  This is stunningly visible around the issue of congress using U.S taxpayer funds to support the Ukraine government and the Ukraine budget.

However, this is not just an American problem.  We can see the same disconnect in Canada, Australia, the U.K. and parts of the EU including France and more recently, Germany.

In the Eastern German elections held Sunday, the AfD party (Alternate for Deutschland) won resounding victories.  Essentially, the center-left party and the UniParty coalition, was disregarded. The election was won by pragmatic nationalists on the key issues of immigration, the economy and Ukraine policy.

(Wall Street Journal) […] Projections by public broadcaster ZDF showed the AfD getting around 33.4% of the votes in Thuringia and 31.4% in Saxony, with Scholz’s center-left SPD scoring under 8% in both states, with its two coalition partners trailing it. (more)

In response there is an almost laughable reactive article in Politico, where they push the same favored MSM narrative of “far right, Nazis, surging again just like 1945,” etc. etc. blah, blah, blah.  Laughably, they use language like, “The far-right Alternative for Germany just keeps rising despite efforts to stop it.”…  I mean, seriously; have you ever seen a more perfect encapsulation of the disconnect.

In order for the professional political leftists to continue what they do best, which is to destroy everything, they must pretend not to know things.  In this example the entire media ecosphere pretends not to know that what they are seeing happen in all of these elections is a reaction to globalism being pushed by the governing body, while the citizens are against it.


In the USA you might say, Donald Trump is not the cause of the Republican party problems, he is our direct response to it.   In Germany you can say the rise of the AfD is not the cause of the government problem, it is the citizens response to the problem they have with government.

BERLIN — Germany’s far right is here — and it’s here to stay.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) on Sunday scored a stunning win in an eastern German state election, amid rising voter discontent at Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s center-left national government.

The AfD’s victory in Thuringia and strong second place in Saxony has prompted a new round of soul searching in Berlin, a year out from national elections which could see EU powerhouse Germany tilt to the right.

“Our country cannot and must not get used to this,” Scholz told Reuters after the results came in. “The AfD is damaging Germany. It is weakening the economy, dividing society and ruining our country’s reputation.”

In Thuringia, the AfD — which has been classified as extremist in some German states — gained a clear victory with nearly 33 percent of the vote. In the more populous state of Saxony, the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) eked out a victory with around 32 percent of the vote, with the AfD trailing close behind.

[…] Germany’s mainstream leaders have made a concerted effort to stop the rise of the AfD by warning voters of the party’s growing extremism, with some leaders even calling it a Nazi party.

State-level domestic intelligence authorities have classified the local branches of the party in both Saxony and Thuringia as extremist organizations aiming to undermine German democracy. Earlier this year, Saskia Esken, the co-chief of the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), came out in favor of discussing a ban of the AfD — if only, as she put it, to “shake voters” out of their complacency. (read more)

You can just as easily replace “German far-right” with the USA version of “MAGA Republicans” and get the exact same scenario.

Both the AfD in Germany and the MAGA movement in the USA labeled as “domestic extremists” simply for wanting controls of immigration policy, sensible energy policy and a stopping of the insufferable war effort in Ukraine.

Apparently, the German government is shocked, SHOCKED, and didn’t see this coming.   Yet, again, western media play along and pretend not to know things….

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