Kamala says quiet part out loud: Government ‘oversight’ needed to police the internet and rein in thought crimes


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

The global crackdown on free speech continues unabated and if you think it’s relegated to countries like China, Cuba and North Korea, think again.

A Brazilian Supreme Court panel on Monday upheld a decision to suspend Elon Musk’s social media platform X in the country.

Last Friday, Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the platform blocked.

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Since the decision, Musk and his supporters have tried to paint de Moraes as a renegade and an authoritarian censor of political speech. But Brazil is no outlier. The European Union is also cracking down on free speech with its Online Service Act and we have our own free-speech haters here in the United States.

In fact, one of them is a candidate for president.

Kamala Harris came out over the weekend and admitted in the wide open that she wants to see the same type of state-sponsored censorship implemented in the United States as what we see taking shape in Brazil.


The government, Harris believes, should have ultimate control over what you and I are allowed to post on the internet, as well as more control over what we are allowed to see and hear. She doesn’t trust us to decide for ourselves as to the truth or accuracy of what we see or read online.

Take a look at the video below and let the gravity of what Harris is saying sink in for a moment.

So, she’s very impressed with the socialist government of Brazil’s legal action to shut down Twitter, now called X.

She’s telling us that social media platforms, which are where most people get their news today, are “directly speaking to millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.”

That means, in her view, all voices must be sifted through a filter. The question becomes, who should we allow to be the official filter of news and information? Who should be allowed to be the overseer? I think Kamala is pretty clear on that. It’s the government. And that is as anti-American and unconstitutional as you can get.

But it’s not just Kamala Harris who thinks this way. This is the majority viewpoint among the self-apointed globalist elites worldwide.

Robert Reich, the former secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor under Bill Clinton, said in an August 30th op-ed for The Guardian that Elon Musk should be dealt with harshly for his commitment to free speech on his X platform, which Reich described as “out of control.”

Reich listed six things that can be done to “rein him in,” and one of them was for governments around the world to “threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.” He cited France’s arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov last week as the model for what should be done to Musk and anyone else who dares to question the official globalist narratives on key issues such as vaccines, LGBTQ issues, certain election results, NATO’s wars of aggression, etc.

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