Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kamala Harris is running on Obama’s 2008 playbook, but it will fail this time!


by Wallace Garneau,

Kamala Harris is following the same playbook as Barack Obama in 2008: disavow every previous policy position she has taken (made easy by a press that refuses to bring up previous policy stances) and then try to sound conservative.

Obama ran on renewing the American Dream by lowering costs and taxes for the American middle class, having strong and fair trade policies, reforming and reducing regulations, and supporting small businesses. Obama ran on renewing American leadership through border controls, winning (and thus ending) wars, standing firm against Iran, strengthening our military, and creating energy security. Obama ran on renewing the American community by eliminating illegal immigration, restoring the practice of faith-based religions, and supporting fatherhood, particularly in African American homes. And Obama ran on renewing American Democracy with an open, ethical, and accountable government and a refocused commitment to our Constitution.


Conservative as that may sound, I pulled all of it from Barack Obama’s 2008 platform.

Obama was not a national figure in 2008, so his prior policy positions were not well known. When prior platforms and associations were mentioned, they were poo-pooed by a press not yet exposed as fraudulent as being false or taken out of context. Obama’s relationship with renowned terrorist Bill Ayers was covered up, as was his relationship with Jeremiah Wright and a host of other controversial, anti-American figures.

But then Barack Obama won the election.

The American people might not have known or forgotten Obama’s past policy positions when they voted, but Barack Obama had not forgotten them. Instead of thanking the millions of Republicans who voted for Obama for their votes, Obama pretended that he had a mandate for ‘fundamentally transforming the United States,’ promising ‘radical change’ in his acceptance speech. His wife added, “For the first time in my adult life, I’m really proud of my country.”

Barack Obama ran a bait-and-switch operation.

Kamala Harris is in a slightly different place as a failed 2020 Presidential candidate and current Vice President. She’s a national figure whose promise to ban all fracking on day one and to ban all fossil fuel use in her first term was once national news. She was mortified when Elon Musk reinstated Trump to Twitter, saying that we can’t allow each social media platform to decide for itself what to or not to censor – we needed, according to Kamala Harris – a national censorship campaign targeting not just against ‘misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation,’ as most Democrats put it today, ‘hateful or divisive speech.’

‘Misinformation’ is information someone spreads, not knowing it is inaccurate.‘Disinformation’ is information someone spreads knowing it is not accurate. ‘Malinformation’ is accurate information that someone spreads that goes against government narratives. What, however, does ‘hateful or divisive speech’ mean exactly?

I wrote an article a couple of weeks ago in which I went over some of the lies our government has told us in recent history, from all things Covid to Russian collusion to everything else. I’m not going to rehash all that here today. However, I do want to ask how can we trust the primary spreader of disinformation (our government) to police such things?

This is a power the government is expressly forbidden from having, which is why the New York Times recently ran an article titled “America’s Constitution Is Sacred. Is it also Dangerous?” The subtitle is “Is it Also the Biggest Threat to Our Politics?”

According to the New York Times, the Constitution is a horrendous document because it prevents the government from doing whatever it wants.

Today, Kamala Harris is, of course, all for free speech, even as her Department of Justice works on its own and coordinates efforts with various states to try and put her political opponent in jail (while warning the American people that the threat of Trump doing the EXACT SAME THING is reason enough not to elect him). Kamala Harris is for fracking. Kamala Harris is for tax cuts. Kamala Harris is for securing the border and building a wall. Kamala Harris is running on almost a Republican platform – to the degree that she has any platform at all.

When asked by Dana Bash in the only interview Kamala Harris has given since Joe Biden stepped down why she has changed all of her positions, Kamala Harris simply said, “My values have not changed.” Tim Walz was sitting next to Kamala Harris at the time, acting as some kind of emotional support animal and nodding thoughtfully as if Kamala had just said something profound when really she had done the opposite, neither explaining why her positions had changed nor accepting that they in fact had changed.

What are Kamala Harris’ policies? She currently has none.

Kamala Harris is in a weird place, too, in that she’ll say something in a scripted speech, and then her surrogates will contradict it, or her surrogates will say something, and Kamala Harris will contradict it in a speech. Sometimes, Kamala Harris even reverses her own policy statements in speeches, depending on who she is talking to.

If she waffled any more, the crowd would have to shout “RAWHIDE” whenever she finished a speech.

And now, almost as if the American people are smart enough to see through all the media BS, Kamala Harris’ polling numbers are starting to drop.

What do you do when your candidate stands for nothing and starts dropping in the polls? What do you do when everything that comes out of her running mate’s mouth turns out to be a lie?

You double down on censorship.

President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil said that his country’s complete ban on Twitter (for failing to follow his censorship regime) is a model other countries should follow in dealing with Elon Musk. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Tim Walz’ Attorney General, tweeted, “Thank you, Brazil.” Robert Reich wants “regulators around the world to threaten Musk with arrest” and said, “the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him.” Reich even calls on our government to cut ties with SpaceX – as if NASA remembers what a rocket is.

The left is all-in on dictatorship and censorship when done by a radical left-winger like da Silva, and in being so, the left is telegraphing to us what is in store should they win this election.

But Kamala Harris is not all in on anything. Kamala Harris has fewer answers than an empty suit.

And now, as early voting starts, Kamala Harris is shacking up for debate prep. She can’t run as Joe Biden’s VP, as that would put her on the hook for both Joe Biden’s failures and his policies. Neither of those things will help her win the presidency. Instead, she has to sound conservative without saying anything while throwing Joe Biden under the bus for all of his missteps and avoiding stepping into any zingers from Trump.

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