Journalism Truly Does Die in Darkness – Thanks To The Democrat Party And Its Media Puppets, The Job Of Keeping Our Republic Is Becoming Impossible To Ensure


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

September 12, 2024

Journalism Truly Does Die in Darkness – Thanks To The Democrat Party And Its Media Puppets, The Job Of Keeping Our Republic Is Becoming Impossible To Ensure


By Lauri B. Regan –  All News Pipeline

In February, 2017, the Washington Post adopted its now infamous mission statement: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Was it a coincidence that one of the nation’s most influential newspapers — the paper that broke the Watergate scandal and brought down Richard Nixon’s presidency — decided that its role was to save democracy just one month after President Trump was inaugurated?

According to then-editor of the WaPo, Martin Barron, writing in his book Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and the Washington Post, this was not an attack on Trump and his presidency but rather, was motivated by owner Jeff Bezos because, “[w]e have such high standards that we’re outraged when those standards are not met.” Unfortunately, Barron does not elaborate as to what those standards are; but with Harris’s basement campaign being portrayed as the second coming of the messiah (that would be Obama, not Jesus), it seems clear that saving democracy by shining a light on the truth was not one of them. Rather, pulling the wool over the eyes of Americans held captive by mainstream and social media companies was the true mission of the WaPo and its cohorts in an ideological conspiracy of epic proportions.


Our nation’s newspapers are purveyors of an ideology that is in fact dangerous to democracy and the survival of the United States. Network and cable news stations are part of the same conspiracy to destroy Donald Trump and the Republican Party, ensure power remains in the hands of Democrats and their constituencies including Democrat socialists, BLM, Islamists, Greenies, Planned Parenthood, teachers’ unions, and other progressive organizations and institutions that were all drawn together under a red-green alliance by Barack Obama. After all, he promised the American people just prior to winning his first term that, “[w]e are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

The transformational process instituted by the world’s greatest community organizer would have never been possible without a compliant media. But the media bias actually began with the creation of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Media-induced BDS resulted in the election of the dangerously leftist community organizer seeking to change the world. Eight years later, despite the efforts of the media, the country elected the one person the left simply could not abide — the completely unacceptable Donald Trump. That’s when so-called journalists, pundits, and Democrat operatives, who learned well from the Obama/Alinsky playbook which helped turn the media into a Fifth Column seeking to destroy the Republican Party, were truly unleashed.

The Resistance Movement was touted as a force to save democracy — it was the beginning of the much more insidious disease known as Trump Derangement Syndrome that seemingly climaxed last year with a prime-time speech by Biden claiming that the “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” He was projecting of course.

All of the demonization, including the historically unprecedented, politically-motivated civil and criminal proceedings that led to the assassination attempt on Trump’s life, should have been a wake-up call about which party actually poses a danger to the country and its political opponents. Instead, it continues with Trump, MAGA Republicans, and anyone who doesn’t vote — let alone think — like a liberal (the deplorables who cling to guns and religion) in the crosshairs. The media sycophants who elatedly and obediently join the choir make it difficult for Americans to learn the truth. The fact checkers are MIA (look at the ABC-moderated debate). Investigative journalists have disappeared into an ideological vacuum that has seemingly sucked away the brains of so many.

For the past eight years we’ve been living with this propaganda nonstop. The media dove right into the Russia Collusion hoax (which they’re desperately trying to reinvigorate once again). Incurious “journalists,” reporting the lies non-stop day-after-day, month-after-month, year-after-year, nonetheless were awarded Pulitzers for doing so.

Trump’s four years were mired by the media lying about his comments on the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville (no, he did not call them fine people although as recently as Tuesday night, ABC allowed Harris to perpetuate the lie), claiming he suggested ingesting bleach to cure Covid (while suppressing any narrative that contradicted the dictates of Herr Fauci including the advice of esteemed medical professionals who signed The Great Barrington Declaration), and so many other “fake news” stories about the man they were united to destroy.

Elon Musk recently posted on X, “propaganda isn’t just about creating fake news. It’s also about hiding real news.” And the media did just that. They hid numerous truths about Biden family corruption and of course, Hunter’s laptop which they disingenuously claimed was a “Russian disinformation campaign.” The gaslighting continued throughout Biden’s term lest Americans learn of his health issues, question his disastrous policies, or turn to Republicans to save the country from the true threats to democracy (which Tulsi Gabbard does a terrific job of describing in this video).

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