Hungary Ready to Bus Migrants to EU Headquarters: ‘One-Way Tickets, Free of Charge’


from RAIR Foundation:

In a move that emphasizes Hungary’s firm resistance to European Union pressure on migration policies, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government has announced that buses are prepared to transport illegal migrants directly to Brussels. This bold measure comes as tensions escalate between Hungary and the EU over asylum rules and fines imposed by the European Court of Justice.


Busing Migrants: No Empty Threat

Hungary’s government has made it clear that its plan to bus illegal migrants to the EU headquarters is not merely a rhetorical threat. During a recent press conference, State Secretary Bence Rétvári emphasized that the buses, labeled “Röszke-Brussels,” are ready to depart if the EU continues to impose sanctions and fines on Hungary for its refusal to follow Brussels’ migration policies. “If Brussels wants illegal migrants, Brussels can have them,” Rétvári declared, signaling the government’s readiness to retaliate against what it sees as unjust EU pressure.


Hungary’s Defiance of EU Fines

The conflict stems from a June ruling by the European Court of Justice, which ordered Hungary to pay substantial fines for failing to comply with the EU’s more liberal asylum rules. The initial fine, amounting to €200 million, was followed by an additional €1 million per day until Hungary adjusts its policies. Prime Minister Orbán, however, has refused to back down, arguing that Hungary is merely enforcing the policies that its people voted for. He has even hinted at legal action to overturn the fines while demanding compensation for the billions Hungary has spent on border protection, including the construction of barbed wire fences to keep illegal migrants out.

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