How Israel Repurposed Its Gaza Playbook to Justify Mass Slaughter in Lebanon


from 21st Century Wire:

In the deadliest assault since 2006, Israeli airstrikes across southern and eastern Lebanon have killed 558 people, including 50 children, and wounded over 1,835, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry. The same “everyone is a terrorist” media playbook, used for the past 11 months justify genocidal actions in Gaza is now being redeployed to legitimize mass civilian deaths in Lebanon. Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris administration, entrenched in complicity through billions in military aid and political cover, has spared no time in reaffirming their support for Israel’s “right to defend itself”.


Both current and past media narratives, propaganda, and manipulation tactics surrounding the ongoing bombing campaigns in Gaza and Lebanon have been used by Israel to achieve their strategic objectives within the region and legitimize military actions in the region. With the recent assault on Lebanon, we can draw multiple direct comparisons with Gaza to understand how the framing of information influences the justification of violence and the tactics mainstream media uses to shape the global discourse.

Disinformation Campaigns in Gaza vs. Lebanon

On October 27th, Israel launched an aggressive disinformation campaign, claiming Gaza’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, acted as “the main headquarters for Hamas’ terrorist activity”. The claim was supported by a CGI animation widely circulated and mainstream media published headlines such as “Hamas leaders again hiding under hospital” and “Hamas Leaders Hiding in Basement of Israel-built Hospital in Gaza”. With full backing from the White House and the Pentagon, Israel then raided, bombed, and besieged the hospital in violation of international law, resulting in the massacre of doctors and patients, and the abandonment of five premature babies, whose rotting corpses were discovered months later.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) later reported that it found no evidence to substantiate Israel’s claims that Hamas was using Al-Shifa Hospital for military purposes and a detailed investigation of open-source visuals, satellite imagery, and all publicly released IDF materials by the Washington Post concluded that the evidence Israel provided for its assault on the hospital fell short of proving that Hamas conducted any significant military operations within the Al-Shifa Hospital Complex.

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