by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

In this warped world we live in today, this horrific employment report is applauded by the ruling class who own all the stocks. They see the destruction of the middle class and millions of American citizens falling further into poverty as a huge positive for their net worth. Their puppet Powell now has a narrative where he can cut interest rates by 50 basis points this month. Wall Street gets richer. Main Street gets poorer.

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Don’t you love how tens of thousands of jobs reported in prior months are just disappeared a month later. It’s all fake. They never make the error in the other direction. Jobs are always over-estimated because the regime needs you to remain sedated, while they pillage and loot your wealth.

If you didn’t believe the Great Replacement Theory, just look at the real numbers. You are being replaced by illegal immigrants who will work for 40% lower wages. The corporate fascists running our country applaud and encourage the ongoing invasion because it makes them richer. Full time real jobs disappear every day as small businesses are driven out of business by mega-corps connected to Washington DC. This empire of debt is crumbling before our very eyes, but the stock market is hitting all-time highs. So it goes.

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