H7N9 Virus: Another Fauci-Funded Bioweapon with EUA


by Maryam Henein, The Tenpenny Report:

If you have been following my work, you know about the H7N9 infection circulating in Wuhan in 2020. If you missed the memo, this is yet another Fauci-funded bioweapon. Independent researcher John Cullen and I got into it during one of my latest episodes of Truth Lives Here, where he explained how veterinarian Yoshihiro Kawaoka cretaed a gain-of-function H7N9 virus, meaning he experimentally manipulated it — except nobody talks about that.

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After a sharp decrease in highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H7N9) in mainland China in 2018, highly pathogenic H7N9 viruses re-emerged in 2019. All H7N9 viruses had four continuous essential amino acids at cleavage sites (i.e., KRKRTAR/G and KRKRIAR/G), suggesting high pathogenicity. So, according to very few, the “real” virus in China was the H7N9 virus infection.

Searching for H7N9

But you’d never know it, because it is hard to find. Keep in mind that you’re up against stiff competition regarding the current results ranking for the H7N9 Virus keyword. The competition is mostly national or international governmental health organizations.

  • H7N9 virus
    1. human infections
    2. avian influenza viruses
    3. Disease Control
    4. et al
  • H7N9 infection
    1. World Health Organization
    2. human cases
  • Mainland China
    1. Hong Kong
    2. virus has
    3. H7N9 influenza
    4. avian influenza A virus
    5. live-bird
    6. respiratory tract
    7. human-to-human transmission
    8. Advanced Search
    9. live poultry markets
    10. United States
    11. H7N9 virus infection
    12. risk factor
    13. Google Scholar
    14. close contacts
    15. pandemic potential
    16. amino acid
    17. risk assessment
    18. influenza pandemic
    19. avian H7N9
    20. low pathogenic avian influenza
    21. laboratory-confirmed cases
    22. respiratory disease
    23. novel influenza
    24. severe disease
    25. known as
    26. cleavage site
    27. University of Hong Kong
    28. virus strains
    29. Emerg Infect Dis
    30. H7N9 avian influenza
    31. poultry exposure
    32. avian flu
    33. neuraminidase inhibitor
    34. influenza virus infection
    35. acute respiratory distress syndrome
    36. bird markets
    37. live bird markets
    38. antiviral drugs
    39. Emerging Infectious Diseases
    40. host cells
    41. human population
    42. influenza infection
    43. virus replication
    44. influenza vaccine
    45. Fact sheets
    46. epidemic waves
    47. Animal Health
    48. Global Health
    49. Disease Outbreak News
    50. highly pathogenic avian influenza A
    51. United Kingdom
    52. phylogenetic trees
    53. National Center
    54. epithelial cells
    55. severe pneumonia
    56. avian species
    57. N Engl J Med
    58. human beings
    59. Chen Y
    60. candidate vaccine viruses
    61. respiratory infection
    62. sialic acid receptors
    63. virus subtype
    64. health authorities
    65. matrix protein
    66. Open access
    67. Scale bars
    68. HPAI A
    69. eastern China
    70. Human Health
    71. influenza A subtype
    72. systematic review
    73. International Health Regulations
    74. cases of human infection
    75. genome sequencing
    76. serum samples
    77. wild birds
  • Infected poultry
  1. phylogenetic analysis
  2. human disease
  3. previous reports
  4. Asian lineage
  5. influenza-like illness
  6. Ministry of Agriculture
  7. new virus
  8. infected birds
  9. high fever
  10. viral proteins
  11. immune responses
  12. Southeast Asia

Is The Avian Flu A Smokescreen?

In Plain Sight!

I read headlines about the latest infected birds, cows, and wild infected birds being annihilated daily. There are also unofficial HPAI maps and flu shots that are supposedly “essential” to protect people against bird flu. And, of course, there is talk of new vaccines. There is also a recent article titled “U.S. Response to Avian Influenza, Echoes of COVID-19.

“Despite having a pandemic playbook in early 2020, the U.S. appeared flat-footed in its response to COVID-19, including inadequate testing and unavailable personal protective equipment. And throughout the pandemic, mixed messaging on masks and later vaccines set back public health efforts,” said…

As H5N1 circulates, lessons from COVID-19 remain apparently unlearned. Once again, missteps that hurt the response to COVID-19 are being made regarding testing, surveillance, transparency, failure of communication, and lack of coordination throughout the healthcare system.

“The World Health Organization considers the virus a public health concern because of its potential to cause a pandemic,” according to NPR.

Why Were H7N9 Therapeutics Recently Put Under EUA?

H7N9 was the predominant strain in China, and seemingly many died.

According to John Cullen, “The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 is reminiscent of the H7N9 outbreak in 2013, which poses a HUGE threat to human health. The proportion of fatal cases of H7N9 receiving antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and oxygen treatment was higher than that of COVID-19.”

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