German State Media Creates Video Game With Climate “Deniers” as Villains


by James Murphy, The New American:

Unhappy with the amount of sense that climate realists are making, Südwestrundfunk (SWR), a German state broadcaster, has come up with a virtual-reality video game in which the player can shoot them with laser guns. GreenGuardiansVR is set to be released to the public this fall.


In the game, a dastardly corporation known as the “Environment Venture Income League,” or EVIL, invites youths to “learn about the wonders of fossil fuels.” The logo for the corporation is the word “evil” spelled out in large block letters, with the “i” doubling as a smokestack emitting multicolored puffs of smoke.


If this sounds like a parody of the climate movement, it’s not. GreenGuardiansVR is set to debut at Gamescom, a Cologne-based video game fair this autumn. The game is targeted at youths aged 14-25.

In a press release, project manager Tim Philipp from the SWR Innovation Lab explained his reason for creating the violent game:

We realized that young people from Generation Z are primarily attracted by entertaining content. Youth between the ages of 14 and 25 want to have something to do; they want to be involved and interact in groups.

“Something to do” like killing those who disagree with the climate apocalypse.

Of course, climate zealots are free to create whatever idiocy they want. But the disturbing thing about this game is that it is funded by SWR, a German state actor. It’s almost as if the German government wants children to believe that fossil fuel producers and those who use their products are evil.

Science writer Jo Nova points out:

Hypothetically, if there was a country trying to destroy Germany, to poison its youth, to teach them to hate the energy that gives them their wealth and freedom, they could not do a better job than the German government.

Bashing Fossil Fuels

In the trailer for the game, an anonymous fossil fuel villain gives the vile exposition:

Climate, weather, disasters: Do dark forecasts cloud your future prospects? Don’t let it get you down! We at the Environment Venture Income League will show you that everything’ll be wonderful if we don’t do anything about climate change. Let us upload your brain into the future so you can see for yourself how extraordinary life will be. We’ll upload you into one of our brand new stainless steel robot bodies. Experience a tour of idyllic Lake Constance and learn about the wonders of fossil fuels!

Scenes depict robots (because our brains have been uploaded into robots) on a train of the future. One shows a robot playing a Whac-A-Mole-type game. The robot is not whacking moles, however, but wind turbines.

A poster for EVIL appears: “FOSSIL FUELS ARE THE FUTURE. We are giving it our all to keep humanity dependent on fossil fuels in order to keep the planet warm, comfortable and profitable for future generations. YOUR E.V.I.L. CORP: WHERE THE FUTURE BURNS!”

Suddenly, a female eco-warrior appears on screen. She has hacked into EVIL’s presentation and declares, “Don’t get sucked in! Join the Green Guardians! Help save the future!”

Viewers of the video are then invited to get the aforementioned laser guns and begin doing their best to “defeat disinformation” by blasting flying climate deniers.

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