Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and Israel


by Civis Americanus, American Thinker:

Israel’s enemies have falsely accused it of genocide and ethnic cleansing, so it is necessary to discuss exactly what these mean.  Both are simply large-scale hate crimes, in which the motive consists of a dislike of the subjects’ race, religion, or ethnicity.  “Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.”

A behavior or ideology is not, however, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.  Displacement of an entire population may in fact be a reasonable and necessary act of self-preservation.  The Sullivan Expedition is a prominent example.


When Are Large-Scale Actions Reasonable and Necessary Self-Defense?

There is no such thing as a justifiable murder, because murder is, by definition, without justification.  There is, however, such a thing as justifiable homicide, in which you kill somebody to prevent him from killing you or other innocent people.  When church shooter Dylann Roof gunned down black people in a church, he committed a hate crime because his motive was a dislike of black people.  Had one of Roof’s intended victims put a bullet through Roof’s head, the motive would have been self-preservation rather than hatred of white people, and thus justifiable.

You may even justifiably kill innocent bystanders, as our Air Force was ordered to do on 9/11, to stop hijackers from using airplanes as weapons.  Science fiction stories, which are models for human behavior, are full of examples in which the heroes destroy or seek to destroy entire societies for similar reasons.

  • In the movie version of Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, a man who is about to have his brain sucked out by an arachnid space alien tells it with profanity that, some day, somebody like him will come along and “kill you and your whole race.”  Wiping out a race would indeed be genocide by definition if the motive were a dislike of “bugs,” as humans call the arachnids.  A dislike of creatures that suck out people’s brains and drop asteroids on cities, on the other hand, is reasonable and allows for necessary self-preservation.
  • Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters ends with the line, “Puppet masters!  The free men are coming to kill you!”  Heinlein’s human protagonists get along quite well with plenty of extraterrestrials, but not with parasites that enslave humans by taking over their nervous systems.
  • In the Andromeda TV series starring Kevin Sorbo, the good guys use a nova bomb to exterminate an alien species known as the Magog.  The problem with the latter is their habit of laying eggs in people, with fatal results similar to those in the Alien movies.

In no case did readers or audiences take offense at the prospect of killing off entire races that were threats to humans or peaceful extraterrestrials.

If we return to the real world, the United States deters Russia from using nuclear weapons on our cities by threatening to wipe out Russia’s population.  Maybe the folks in the Middle East who keep talking about “annihilating the Jews” need to remember that the Jews in question now probably have nuclear weapons, and if another Holocaust does occur, it won’t be the Jews who go up the chimneys — or, in this case, the mushroom clouds.  This is a horrible way to talk, but it is the only language Hamas, Hezb’allah, and Iran’s ayatollahs understand.

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