Friday, January 24, 2025

Forcible control is the UN ‘Pact for the Future’ goal


by Patricia Anthone, America Outloud:

On Sunday, September 22nd, the United Nations adopted the so-called Pact for the Future. This document encompasses the Global Digital Compact, the Declaration on Future Generations, and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This pact commits the UN and its member nations to a fully left-wing agenda that can only be realized by exercising raw, completely unaccountable global power.


Neither this Pact nor the agenda items embraced by its constituent “agreements” will surprise anyone who has been watching the clamoring effort by the UN, WEF, and WHO to consolidate power to global “experts,” especially since the Plandemic. What should alarm us is the veneer of legitimacy being conferred upon an effort to replace Western Civilization — the moral and economic aspirational model for human progress — with an unelected, unaccountable global governing body seeking to impose an ideologically warped, one-world global vision by coercion and force.

Oh, wait a minute…they can’t actually do any of that, can they?

Consider the following:

Even without the authority to compel compliance with their resolutions, the global cabal working to replace sovereign nations with a singular, global regime of virtually unlimited, uncontested power has already, by virtue of ideological evangelism, achieved frightening “success.” The movement’s conscripts have been strategically positioned within Western governments and are working to topple them from within using tactics that have been observed in nations throughout the West:

>  Dissolve national sovereignty and undermine national identity both by “narrative control” and by cooperating with the globalist organizations’ engineered mass migrations.

>  Suppress energy exploration and development under the fake “climate crisis” narrative.

>  Aggregate control of food production and healthcare into as few hands as possible. Then, ensure those few hands are aligned with the global-control agenda.

>  Drive up inflation with monetary policy that ensures grotesque imbalance of dollars to produced goods and by then allows the government itself to be the primary consumer of the dollars printed.

>  Define ‘poverty’ as an insufficiency of money (store of value) rather than an insufficiency of produced value on the part of the person in poverty. Basing force-of-law “redistribution” on this lie assures that the insufficiency cannot addressed. The conversion of misery into political capital, then, goes on infinitum. BTW: this tactic works as well in international politics as it does locally.

>  Define bodily needs, functions (and even dysfunctions) as “human rights.” A right, of course, is a liberty to act, not a legitimate demand for the provision of subsistence. But once people are conditioned to believe their bodily needs constitute a legitimate claim on the public tit, there is no limit to their demand for provision at others’ expense.

>  Cultivate factional grievance and then convert it into political capital by promising governmental favor to “aggrieved” factions. The governmental meddling that purports to seek “justice” through statistical parity actively exacerbates factional friction – becoming a self-perpetuating source of political capital for the purveyors of this hideous tactic. Worse, it serves as the impetus for nearly limitless growth in governmental power.

>  Upend civil and economic order by “decriminalizing” theft, vandalism, and destruction of public property. Undermine property rights by extending tenant protections to squatters and allowing drug-addled vagrants to make “residential” claims on public property. Increase the number of criminals on the streets by eliminating bail. Smear law enforcement itself as a “racist,” “white-supremacist” pursuit.

These tactics are being deployed against nations throughout the West in order to provoke the economic and social collapse necessary to usurp each nation’s sovereignty. Their effectiveness is now becoming apparent even to the least “political” of virtue-signaling voters. As it turns out, the desire to preserve one’s way of life is not a right-wing political position.

While our way of life is being credibly threatened by inflation, riots, social discord, induced culture clashes, and violent felons imported by our own government, the political landscape can change quickly. That’s a good thing.

If we hope to arrest the dangerous aggregation of control by an unaccountable global power, WE, the PEOPLE of its member nations, must disavow the UN Agenda for Global Control and the destructive tactics by which that agenda is being pursued. We must demand that our governments stop funding, participating in, and abetting it. We must elect and seat governments that enforce our own national sovereignty and prosperity.   

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