For Netanyahu, Eradicating the Palestinians Is Still “Job 1”


by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution. And it is far less ugly than the prospect of bloody conflict ad infinitum….. It’s time to stop being squeamish. Jews are not Nazis. Transfer is not genocide. And anything else isn’t a solution. Ben Shapiro, Transfer is not a Dirty WordOrlando Sentinel


Israel is expediting its action now to complete its original purpose of the ethnic purging of Gaza, which is part of the larger project that started in 1947…. They are also expediting their effort at ethnic purges in the West Bank and East Jerusalem…. This is a historic moment in which Israel wants to make as much dark progress as it possibly can to consolidate their ethno-nationalist settler-colonial project…. They’re getting away with it because of the complicity of the United States, the United Kingdom, and a number of countries in Europe. Craig Mokhiber, former Director of the New York Office of the UN’s High Commissioner of Human Rights, Mondoweiss

A recent survey of Middle East scholars shows that a “large majority believe that the war in… Gaza is likely to lead to new large-scale… displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and/or the West Bank. (Ethnic cleansing) The findings of the survey confirm what many have known from the very beginning, that the stated goal of “defeating Hamas” is a largely a fraud used by Israel to conceal its real objective which is the expulsion of the Arab population. Here’s a brief excerpt from the survey posted at Brookings:

The nature of the war in Gaza and Israeli aims

Nearly three-quarters of the scholars surveyed, about 72%, (of the 750 mostly U.S.-based respondents) expect the war to result in new mass displacements of Palestinians outside of Gaza and the West Bank. This expectation seems partly based on the scholars’ gloomy assessment of Israel’s motives: A majority, about 57%, see making Gaza uninhabitable in order to force Palestinian removal as a primary Israeli objective of the war. About 15% each see Israel’s primary objective to be keeping the current Israeli government in office or destroying Hamas. Few (about 4%) say Israel’s operation is justified by the right of self-defense. Gloom about the ‘day after’ the Gaza war pervasive among Mideast scholarsBrookings

We should emphasize that the participants in this survey are either political scientists or experts in their fields who have a keen grasp of the history and issues related to the conflict. The fact that the vast majority of them reject the idea that Israel’s massive military campaign is aimed at “defeating Hamas” underscores the improbability of the theory. The primary goal of the Israeli campaign is to remove the Palestinians from their historic homeland. Here’s more from the survey:

Their assessment of the resultant reality is equally dark: Respondents describe Israeli actions in damning terms, with 41% saying they constitute major war crimes akin to genocide, nearly 34% saying they constitute genocide, and 16% saying they are not akin to genocide, but are still major war crimes. While these views may seem surprising, they are not markedly different from the views of some segments of the American public, especially Democrats, with one recent poll showing a majority of Democrats saying Israeli actions amounted to genocide…..

These scholars’ views should not be dismissed as just another set of political opinions, even as they are not immune to professional biases. Many of them have spent years working on Israeli-Palestinian issues, have conducted research on the ground, and have large networks of contacts among Israelis and Palestinians. Their views are grounded in a far less mediated version of reality than is available to most Americans weighing in on the topic. Brookings

The survey should put to rest the idea that Israel’s stated objectives accurately reflect their real goals. They don’t, and this fact needs to be understood to make sense of events taking place today.

What events are we talking about?

We’ll get to that, but, first, let’s recap:

In the last 11 months, the IDF has gone from North to South obliterating 80 percent of Gaza’s housing stock and virtually all of its vital infrastructure. Many people assumed that these actions indicated that Israel wanted to make the area uninhabitable so the Palestinians would be forced to flee to Egypt. That theory has been reinforced by the numerous pronouncements of Israeli political and military leaders who have stated their genocidal intent with alarming frequency. The only logical conclusion one can draw from these statements is that is a clear majority of Israeli Jews support the expulsion of the native population.

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