FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With


by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

ACAM2000, a vaccine approved last month by the FDA for mpox, comes with a list of “serious complications,” including myocarditis, death and fetal death. The FDA’s medication guide also warns that people who receive the vaccine may spread it to unvaccinated people, who also risk developing vaccine side effects, including death.

A vaccine approved in August by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for people deemed to be at “high risk” for mpox infection may cause more harm than good, according to the FDA’s own medication guide for the product.

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ACAM2000 — made by Emergent BioSolutions, a company specializing in vaccines for biochemical warfare threats such as anthrax and smallpox — was approved for smallpox in 2007.

However, on Aug. 29, the FDA issued an expanded supplement approval for ACAM2000’s use against mpox.

Since then, social media users have been posting clips of the FDA’s ACAM2000 medication guide, which warns the vaccine may cause “serious complications” in both the vaccinated person and those with whom they come into close contact up to 6 weeks after getting the shot.

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. — senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense — told The Defender that the FDA’s approval of the shot is a “public hazard, not the practice of public health.”

“You can call ACAM2000 a ‘vaccine,’ but its impact on the United States will be as a ‘disease,’” Jablonowski said.

He added:

“For instance, the drug’s package insert reveals (see Table 3) that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) found roughly 520 per million ACAM2000 recipients contracted myocarditis or pericarditis.

“That is about 1 in 2,000. If the 262 million adults in the U.S. received this vaccine, an estimated 136,000 would contract the serious adverse reaction of myopericarditis.”

Myopericarditis is an umbrella term for myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, and pericarditis, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart.

ACAM2000 can also cause fetal death when taken during pregnancy, the package insert states.

Additionally, the shot contains a “live vaccinia virus” that can be spread to — and possibly cause the death of — people who have close contact with the vaccinated person up to 6 weeks following vaccination, according to the medication guide.

The guide — which the FDA requires to be given to patients before they get the ACAM2000 vaccine — says, “ACAM2000 can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread.”

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