Dr. Richard Fleming: Bioweapons and eugenics, are we the next endangered species?


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In Dr. Richard Fleming’s book, ‘Are We the Next Endangered Species?’, he argues that humanity may be facing an existential threat due to the convergence of bioweapons and eugenics.  Last month, he joined Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson to discuss his book.

Dr. Richard Fleming is an American Medical Doctor specialising in cardiology and also holds a law degree. He has conducted extensive research on SARS-CoV-2 and covid-19 since 2020, concluding that the virus was developed as a bioweapon. He has also asserted that covid-19 “vaccines” are subsequent bioweapons, or rather eugenic gene therapies, launched against humanity. His notable findings include the presence of HIV inserts in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which he has publicly demonstrated.  You can follow Dr. Fleming on Twitter HERE.

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(Related: Dr. Richard Fleming on The Exposé)

Dr. Fleming has published several books, the latest being ‘Are We the Next Endangered Species?: Bioweapons, Eugenics, and More.’

Are We the Next Endangered Species?’ unravels a complex web of historical events, misinformation and ominous developments over the last 170 years in the United States and reveals the stealthy usurpation of power in the United States since the 1850s, highlighting the nation’s pivotal role in developing biological and chemical weapons.

The book also exposes shocking collaborations with Nazi scientists, doctors and intelligence officers, demonstrating the long-term impact on modern medicine and society.

As his book navigates the murky waters of history, exposing parallel programmes developed over the last 170 years in the United States, Dr. Fleming unearths ancient civilisations that embraced slavery, sterilisation and eugenics, drawing chilling parallels to our present reality.

He confronts the uncomfortable truth: are we repeating the mistakes of the past while expecting different outcomes? Are we destined to replicate the errors that led to the rise of powerful people and organisations seeking ultimate control over others?

He joined Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson last month to discuss ‘Are We the Next Endangered Species?’ (see video below).  Thompson begins with an update on some news from Canada before Dr. Fleming joined her beginning at timestamp 11:23. For the first ten minutes or so, Dr. Fleming gave his thoughts about the assignation attempt on Donald Trump from the perspective of a marksman and his past involved with government agencies. At timestamp 33:36 the discussion turned to Dr. Fleming’s book.

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Are We the Next Endangered Species with Dr. Richard Fleming, 6 August 2024 (108 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble you can watch it on BitChute HERE.

In his book, Dr. Fleming goes back several thousand years in history. “But a lot of the book says, ‘Let’s take a look at what’s really happened over the last 170 years in the United States, and some other countries, but let’s look at the big players, the United States and England, and see what’s happened’,” he said.

Over the 170 years, the United States became actively involved in the use of biological weapons, or bioweapons, and eugenics.

In the 1850s, eugenicists didn’t have molecular tools such as CRISPR or the ability to use DNA or mRNA.  “But we do today,” Dr. Fleming said. “That’s how it’s evolved over the course of the last 170 years.”

(Related: Who Discovered the CRISPR Gene Editing Tool and What Is It?)

“By allowing people to see how this developed, it allows the mist to lift, just like it does first thing in the morning when you first get up, and to see clearly what is in front of you,” he said.

As we moved from the 1800s to the 1900s, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institution spent a lot of money coordinating politics and medicine in the United States, which was rolled out to Europe and Canada, to lay the bedrock of eugenics.

Eugenics From the US to Germany, and the Rest of the World

Dr. Fleming mentioned ‘The Laughlin Report’ submitted to the US Congress in the early 1900s which suggested using gas chambers to eliminate undesirable people.  We presume this report is named after Harry Laughlin, an American educator and eugenicist who served as the superintendent of the US Eugenics Record Office.

We were unable to find The Laughlin Report, which may officially be known by another name.  For those who may be interested in exploring further, there is a collection of Lauglin’s papers in the Eugenics Archive HERE.

However, we did find a Carnegie Institute report published in 1911 which explored eighteen methods for removing defective genetic attributes; the eighth method was euthanasia.

Preliminary report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeders’ Association to study and to report on the best practical means for cutting off the defective germ-plasm in the human population, American Breeders Association, Eugenics Section, Committee on Sterilisation and Other Means of Eliminating Defective Germ-plasm, pg. 5 (archived by the Wellcome Collection).  You can also access the report from the Wellcome Collection’s webpage HERE.

Citing an SFGate articleWikipedia notes that although the most commonly suggested method of euthanasia was to set up local gas chambers, many in the eugenics movement did not believe that Americans were ready to implement a large-scale euthanasia programme, so many doctors came up with alternative ways of subtly implementing eugenic euthanasia in various medical institutions.

“This is where Adolph Hitler got the idea of gas chambers,” Dr. Fleming said. “He used American papers, he used Henry Ford, he used others, as required reading for the Nazi youth.  And he carried out a eugenics programme; that is the reason why most people think of eugenics as killing people.”

“But eugenics is ‘we’re going to drive the direction of humanity’,” he added highlighting that eugenics has two perspectives or prongs: one, positive eugenics, aims to enhance the human population by promoting the reproduction of people with desirable traits; and, the other, negative eugenics, seeks to reduce the reproduction of people deemed “unfit” or “inferior,” often based on characteristics such as disability, poverty, or perceived racial or ethnic inferiority.  The Nazis are strongly associated with practising negative eugenics.

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