Do Big Tech Billionaires Promote “Free Speech” or Child Sex Trafficking? What is “Free Speech”?


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

With the constant flow of articles I continue to see in my news feed each day with Americans bemoaning the loss of what they call “free speech” as they idolize their favorite Big Tech Billionaires, I want to highlight some facts in this article about these Big Tech billionaires that so many Americans now adore, and give a basic civics lesson on just what exactly is “free speech.”

And while I will report my own bias in interpreting these facts, I want to state up front in the beginning just what my bias is, which is the same bias I have in ALL of the articles that I have written and published on Health Impact News for over 13 years now.


My bias is that there are only two ways of viewing people who live in the world today, which is that everyone in the world today is either living in Kingdom of Darkness ruled by Satan and serving him, or has entered into the Kingdom of God, ruled by the Messiah Jesus Christ, and is serving him.

I am NOT a Christian, and do not belong to any religious groups or churches, so one does not have to have the same beliefs and biases as I do to read what I publish, as I believe everything I write has value for those who are truth seekers, and do not follow the popular culture and their narratives today that very powerful and evil people want the public to believe, and which divides us, whether it is politics, religion, or any other ideology that is the popular flavor of the day, such as “free speech.”

As I have written on our Contact Page for anyone who decides they want to contact me, everything published here is free of charge, as I do not even take donations, and therefore there is no client-vendor relationship here, and nobody has any “right” to criticize me or attack me, either privately or publicly by offering comments.

If you see something here you do not like, just don’t read it.

I don’t owe you anything.

I have received thousands, or perhaps even tens of thousands of comments from people over the years who have attacked me because I did not publish their comment, and have accused me of “censorship” for not doing so.

This is the big misconception of the Internet age, the misconception that if someone publishes something available for the public to read or watch at the publisher’s own expense on their own site, then the public has some kind of “right” to come on to that platform and publish their own views as well under the false belief in “free speech,” just because it is on the Internet and available to the public.

This is false.

Using this false logic outside of the Internet, someone could claim the same right to “free speech” and enter a publicly accessible meeting or gathering, such as a church, synagogue, or mosque, and start arguing with the pastor, rabbi, or imam in front of their congregations who support those religious leaders, criticizing them and attacking them in front of their supporters.

Likewise, if we apply this to non-government businesses, it would be the same false logic as saying someone has a right to “free speech” to enter a business location that is selling goods or services, and start speaking to the customers inside that establishment, and start telling them how terrible that business was and soliciting them to come to their competitor’s business instead.

Imagine having a dinner at a nice restaurant, where someone comes barging in and starts addressing everyone having dinner by criticizing the chef, the food, the owner and then telling them to come down the block to their restaurant instead.

Or imagine shopping at a Walmart store where someone comes in, gets on the store loud speaker and announces: “We have a new blue light special on just about everything sold here, but you need to leave the store and go down the street to my store instead to get better prices for the things you are currently buying.”

Would the restaurant manager or Walmart manager allow such “free speech” to happen in their business?

No, of course they would not. They would escort them off the premises, squelching their so-called “free speech”, and their actions would be perfectly legal.

And yet if that business is on the Internet, the majority of the public today somehow feels that they have this right to “Free Speech” simply because it is on the Internet.

The dumbed-down American public has virtually no concept of what “free speech” really is today, because the Internet has empowered just about anyone to voice their opinions or gather a following on platforms they neither own, nor pay for, on free social media sites, and then cry “censorship!” whenever they cannot continue voicing their opinions or even lose access to these free platforms that other people own.

I’m sorry to be the one to expose your false belief, but you do NOT have that right to “free speech.”

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