Denver Defunded Police to Finance Freebies for Aliens


from Moonbattery:

Civilization is beginning to collapse in the Denver suburb Aurora. If Denver follows, this story from April will help explain why:

The sanctuary city’s progressive Mayor Mike Johnston unveiled a budget proposal on [April 10], allocating $89.9 million to assist incoming undocumented migrants, whom he refers to as ‘newcomers.’

The amount will be drawn from approximately $45 million that’s used for public programs and services.

As a result of this reallocation, the police and fire department are some of those expected to face budget cuts.


Taxpayers can do without the essential services they paid for. The important thing is that foreign invaders get their freebies.

Johnston claimed this was the best option available to provide services to migrants.

Because providing free services to unlawful foreign invaders at the expense of American citizens is what Democrat pols are there for.

In January, Denver’s progressive mayor Mike Johnston predicted the city would have to use 10 percent of its yearly budget on migrants – and will also need an additional $100 million to provide them with housing, schooling, and health care.

From there, the cost will rocket upward. The capacity of the Third World to produce needy moochers is infinite.

Before long, federal taxpayers will be called upon to bail out a city that committed suicide by electing the soy boy moonbat Johnston.

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