Could the Zionist State of Israel Disappear Within a Year?


by Chuck Baldwin, Lew Rockwell:

In a stunning interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano, former CIA Analyst Larry Johnson quotes high-level Israeli government officials as stating their concern that if Israel maintains its current warmongering ways, the Zionist State could disappear within one year. Johnson also describes the radical religious zealotry of many Israelis behind the nation’s infatuation with war. (A very similar zealotry exists within a majority of evangelical churches, by the way.)


Johnson also explains why the miscreant Benjamin Netanyahu will never end Israel’s wars: He knows that as soon as the war(s) ends, he will be arrested and tried for multiple criminal acts within Israel (not counting the international war crimes of which he is accused) and probably spend the rest of his life in prison. Bottom line: Netanyahu is purposely keeping Israel’s wars alive for his own personal self-preservation.

Here are some of the excerpts from Judge Nap’s interview with Larry Johnson:

Napolitano: Is Israel committing National Suicide, Larry?

Johnson: Sure appears that way. You know when you’re in a fight, and particularly in a war, the last thing you want to do is to be fighting a civil war, be warring against each other at home.

You’ve got the head of the military, basically the Israeli military, the IDF spokesman, coming out and opposing Netanyahu. You’ve got the head of Mossad opposing Netanyahu, and Mossad is like the Israeli version of the CIA. You have the Shin Bet, which is, I describe it as, it’s like the FBI with a CIA twist, because it’s really, it’s not so much a law enforcement outfit as it is a domestic intelligence/domestic security outfit. All of them are coming out and condemning Netanyahu. And Netanyahu in turn has been calling them cowards and weaklings.

And then in addition to that, you’ve got some very prominent members or former members of the Israeli Defense Force. There’s General Yitzhak Brik, he put an op-ed in Haaretz over the weekend. And, boy, he didn’t pull any punches. He came out and said that Israel, if it keeps on this path, it’s going to collapse within a year, that the country will come apart at the seams. [Emphasis added]

Napolitano: Well, some of this stuff that General Brik said is strategic, and some of it is personal. For example, he said of Prime Minister Netanyahu, “He has lost his humanity, morality, norms, values and sense of responsibility.” That’s about as harsh as you can get. He’s not talking about Netanyahu’s personality; he’s talking about his decisions to slaughter innocents and to use reservists and the IDF with which to do so.

Johnson: Right.

Napolitano: Does Netanyahu and his crew have an academic or theological guru, a rabbi, who preaches all of this at the same time he preaches blowing up mosques and busloads of Arabs?

Johnson: Yeah, not Netanyahu. Netanyahu, he’s all about power and taking care of himself. But the Smotrich and the Ben-Gvir, yes, this Rabbi Dov Lior, he’s been quite influential and quite extreme. So, there’s a religious dimension to this; we can’t discount that. I think the tendency is for many Western pundits not to delve into the religious aspects of this. But they’re real as far as these people are concerned. And that’s what’s driving them. I mean, part of their premise is that they actually have a covenant with God, and that that was established 3,000 years ago, and they have a right to this land, and they have the right to do whatever they need to do to eliminate those who are not chosen of God to live there. And so, when you take a religious belief like that and then translate it into policy, of course you can kill Palestinian children, because they’re just refuse in the way that you need to clear out.

And so that’s part of what has the head of Shin Bet so alarmed. And he said, “Look, I grew up in a family of Holocaust survivors, and, you know, we believed in never again.” But he goes, “My G-d, what I’m seeing coming out of these Jewish mouths about Jewish supremacy, and not just that, ‘Hey, we’re smarter, we’re more accomplished,’ but actually, ‘We are human beings; you are not human beings.’” He says that mindset is what alarms him, and that has taken hold among a big segment within Israel. That’s the danger.

Napolitano: Is this a majority view, this Messianic belief? “God the Father gave us this land, and we can crush and destroy any thing or any person who stands in our way. We can establish our own morality because we are the chosen.”

Johnson: Yeah, apparently. At least it’s over 50% now within Israel. And again, that number may go up as Israelis who were secular are leaving Israel, coming back to the United States, going to Europe, going to other places, because they don’t embrace that. As they leave, that means those who do believe that become a larger percentage of the population.

Note: Within a few months after October 7, it was well documented that over 500,000 Israelis had left Israel out of a total population of just over 9 million. But just yesterday, Col. Douglas Macgregor suggested to Judge Andrew Napolitano that Israel’s population today is 4½ to 5 million. If that’s true, it would mean that around half of the Israeli population has fled the country since Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza began.

The IDF are not killing guys that are decked out in body armor and carrying, you know, RPGs. They’re killing women and children by and large, and the images are appalling. They’re horrific. I mean, just in recent days, the actual pictures of babies burned. I mean it’s sickening. Babies missing chunks of their heads.

Now we heard the Israelis after October 7th talk about, “Oh, Hamas killed 40 children.” We’ve never seen a single picture; we’ve never heard a single name. But what’s coming out of Palestine is names and pictures that are horrific. And it’s establishing a reality. And this is taking a toll on these Israeli soldiers.

Napolitano: Netanyahu wants war! Netanyahu and his religious zealotry folks believe that this is the time God ordained for them to kill everybody that’s impeding them.

Johnson: The United States could put a halt to this immediately. You tell Netanyahu, “Okay, the military aid is done, and we’re cutting you off economically. You’re not going to get another drop until you sit down and do a serious negotiation with the Palestinians.”

Read this part of the interview again:

General Yitzhak Brik, put an op-ed in Haaretz [an Israeli newspaper] over the weekend. And, boy, he didn’t pull any punches. He came out and said that Israel, if it keeps on this path, it’s going to collapse within a year.

This Israeli general is not the first Israeli to say this. And he won’t be the last. Many Middle East experts are saying that Israel is on a path of self-destruction. If Col. Macgregor is correct in suggesting that half of Israel’s population has already fled the country, the only logical reason for such a massive and spontaneous exodus would be because they expect the State of Israel to soon collapse.

I urge readers to watch my three-message DVD on this very subject. These messages were delivered shortly after the start of the Israeli genocidal war against Gaza. The title of the DVD is End-Time Israel.

And the radical warmongering doctrines of Christian Zionism in America are basically the same as the radical warmongering doctrines of Jewish Zionism in Israel. The only difference is the Jewish warmongers are going to war in an effort to bring forth the Messiah, while Christian warmongers are going to war in an effort to bring back the Messiah. But both Christian and Jewish Zionists believe that God wants them to kill all of the Palestinian people in the name of their Messiah.

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