Catherine Austin Fitts Interview – See Beyond The Duopoly & Take Responsibility For Your Future


by Ryan Cristián, Activist Post:

Joining me today is Catherine Austin Fitts, here to discuss the the upcoming election, the problem of the two-party illusion, and how we must remove the propaganda-laden political veil from our eyes and recognize that one president cannot change the broken-by-design system in which we find ourselves (even if they truly wanted to) and take back responsibility for our future from career politicians, oligarchs, and technocrats who care only about their own power and control.


We also discuss the impending digital control structure being built around us — by both the Left and the Right (otherwise simply known as Your Government) — as we are inundated by never ending indoctrination in the form of corporate media (MSM) and mainstream alternative media (MAM) — as well as the solutions to overcome this imminent risk.

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