California Just Set A Very Alarming New Record For Earthquakes


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

What in the world is happening in California?  The state just keeps getting hit by major disaster after major disaster, but we are all supposed to pretend that this is perfectly normal.  Of course the truth is that what we are witnessing is not normal at all.  As you will see below, California just set a very alarming new record for earthquakes in a single year.  In addition, the number of acres that wildfires have burned in the state this year is about three times higher than last year.  So please don’t try to convince me that this is normal.  Of course it isn’t just the state of California that is experiencing an unusual number of natural disasters.  As I have been warning for a long time, our entire planet is becoming increasingly unstable.


Early on Thursday morning, residents of southern California were shaken by a magnitude 4.7 earthquake

A large, 4.7-magnitude earthquake rattled parts of Southern California early Thursday, according to the US Geological Survey.

The quake struck the Malibu area around 7:28 a.m. with an initial magnitude of 5.1, officials said. It has since been downgraded to 4.7.

The epicenter of this quake was in Malibu, but people living all over the Los Angeles area could feel it

The 7:28 a.m. quake was centered in the Malibu area. Shaking from the earthquake was reported in Malibu, Hermosa Beach, La Mirada, Anaheim, the Hollywood Hills and parts of the San Fernando Valley so far.

I even saw one report that indicated that the earthquake could be felt all the way down in San Diego.

Following the initial quake, there were over two dozen aftershocks.

By itself, this latest earthquake wouldn’t be that big of a deal, because very little damage was done.

What makes it important is the larger pattern that we have been witnessing.  According to USGS seismologist Lucy Jones, the number of “magnitude-4 sequences” that we have seen so far this year is the highest ever recorded

In a televised Q&A just after the temblor, USGS seismologist Lucy Jones said: “We have had more than the average [number of] magnitude-4 quakes in Southern California this year — the average being about eight magnitude-4 sequences, that being sequences of at least one magniture-4 … So far we’ve had 14 in Southern California; the largest previous year was 13.”

So what does all of this mean?

Is all of this seismic activity in southern California building up to something?

If you ask one scientist you will get one answer, and if you ask another scientist you will get another answer.

But pretty much all of them agree that “the Big One” is way overdue.

When “the Big One” finally arrives, life in southern California will never be the same again.

At the same time that all of this shaking is taking place in southern California, wildfires in the region are burning tens of thousands of acres.

Firefighters are battling three major wildfires at this moment, and it is being reported that the Bridge Fire has now “exploded” and has become “the largest active fire in the state”

A raging wildfire in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties has exploded to almost 50,000 acres, forcing residents to flee in a hurry and destroying dozens of homes.

The Bridge Fire has set over 51,000 acres ablaze and is 0% contained, officials said Thursday. Its rapid growth made it the largest active fire in the state, surpassing the Line Fire, which is also burning in San Bernardino and has scorched another 37,000 acres with 18% containment.

One evacuee described a harrowing scene on Tuesday as flames reached a neighborhood atop California’s Mt. Baldy. Looking at the mountain from afar, “it looked like a nuke went off, nothing but smoke,” Liz Wenzel said.

Can you imagine looking back at where your home once stood and seeing that it looks “like a nuke went off”?

What a tragedy.

You may be thinking that there are wildfires in California every year, and you would be quite correct.

But what we are witnessing this year is particularly horrible.

We are being told that the state has already “seen nearly three times as much acreage burn than during all of 2023″…

California is only now heading into the teeth of the wildfire season but already has seen nearly three times as much acreage burn than during all of 2023. The wildfires have threatened tens of thousands of homes and other structures across Southern California since they accelerated during a triple-digit heat wave over the weekend.

Just think about that for a moment.

The number of acres that has burned in California is already three times higher than all of last year, and we are just now entering the heart of wildfire season for the state.

Of course we are also seeing lots of very unusual things happen elsewhere around the world too.

For instance, the number of hailstorms in Europe appears to be increasing at an exponential rate

Having analysed the European Severe Weather Database, Chaucer said that the number of hailstorms has jumped 104% to 11,808 storms last year (year-ending June 30th 2024), up from 5,785 in 2022/23.

That certainly isn’t good.

And earlier today I came across a story about a landslide in Greenland that caused a mega-tsunami that “shook the Earth for nine straight days”

After a mountaintop collapsed into the sea in Greenland, a ‘mega-tsunami’ as tall as a skyscraper shook the Earth for nine straight days, baffling scientists around the world.

No one was injured by the landslide or resulting tsunami, but the 650-foot-tall wave destroyed roughly $200,000 worth of infrastructure at an unoccupied research station on Ella Island.

We all live on a giant space rock that is hurtling through space at 67,000 miles per hour.

All throughout history, the giant space rock that we live on has been unstable, but now things seem to be getting a lot worse.

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