CA Governor Gavin Newsom Hurriedly Signs New Law After Harris Campaign Hit With This Devastating ‘Kamala Bomb’


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: You are about to watch the most effective campaign ad of the 2024 election cycle; and arguably the greatest one in history.

What follows the video is the press release which explains the new law that Gov. Newsom just signed specifically to combat the raw truth-telling presented in this campaign ad.

Of course, the only reason why this video presentation is such a bomb is because every word of it is absolutely true—Kommie Kamala the Kackling Hyena is every bit as bad as this rendition portrays and worse—MUCH WORSE!

God help the American people if this Wicked Witch of the West is successful at stealing this election because we ain’t seen nothing yet from her and her communist ilk. Oh, and by the way, they all hate each other so much that this actually happened:

The fact that Harris selected “Tampon Tim” Walz as her VP, along with his totally insane wife, speaks volumes about what these Democrat bolsheviks have in store for the American Republic.

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