Bombshell Undercover Sting Exposes How Google Is Actively Helping Kamala Harris


by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

In yet another bombshell exposé, O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) has shed light on how Big Tech is up to its same old shenanigans in order to help Kamala Harris get elected. During a date with an undercover OMG journalist, Dakota Leazer, a growth strategist and ad salesman at Google, admitted that the tech giant has been manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor Harris ahead of the 2024 election.


According to Leazer Google’s ad campaigns are strategically designed to promote Harris while appearing to be legitimate news content.

As Leazer explained, “Google was essentially promoting through its ads… rhetoric that was very, like, pro-Kamala. And, like, it seemed to link out to, like, legitimate, like, news publication sites.”

Leazer didn’t stop there. He revealed that Google is actively tweaking its search engine to ensure that Harris comes out on top, stating, “You go to Google, they’re reorienting the search engine such that Kamala’s more, you know, favored.” He further revealed that this manipulation isn’t limited to Google alone. “Facebook, I feel like, is promoting… content that is favorable towards her,” Leazer added, noting how Big Tech is colluding to boost Kamala Harris before the election.

When asked about the motivation behind this bias, Leazer was blunt: it’s all about money. “Google’s a very liberal, progressive company,” he said. “If they have a belief that one side will allow them to make more money…. I don’t think it’s political. I think it’s economic. I think it’s all about the share of the stock price.”

The manipulation, Leazer claims, is widespread and deliberate, with Google spearheading a coordinated effort with other tech billionaires. “It’s like this is, like, a coordinated effort by, like, big tech, like big companies to, like, try and get her to win,” Leazer admitted, confirming what many of us on the right have long suspected.

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