Bill Gates Wants to Use AI to Censor Online Speech


from Moonbattery:

Some of moonbat plutocrat Bill Gates’s megalomaniacal schemes are too cartoonishly evil to take seriously, as when he proclaims he will use his money to cut down and bury forests and to blot out the sun. Others pose a more immediate threat. Consider his desire to use AI to censor online speech:

“We should have free speech, but if you’re inciting violence, if you’re causing people not to take vaccines, where are those boundaries that even the US should have rules? And then if you have rules, what is it?” Gates is quoted as saying.


When a liberal squeaks, “We should have free speech, but…” prepare to have a sock stuffed in your mouth.

He was evasive on who the authority to introduce that might be, but he clearly wants censorship and wants it to act swiftly. “Is there some AI that encodes those rules because you have billions of activity and if you catch it a day later, the harm is done,” he said.

Thought police have to work proactively, as in Minority Report. Again we see that the dystopia Big Tech moonbats are progressively imposing is inspired by gloomy science fiction movies.

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