Biden Has Taken Almost 50 YEARS Worth Of Holidays During His Presidency


by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

In 3.5 years, Joe Biden has been on vacation for 1.5 years

Joe Biden has taken more holidays during his presidency than the average American does in FORTY EIGHT YEARS.

He’s spent more than 40 percent of his time in office lounging on a beach or falling off bikes.

The Washington Examiner notes “Biden has spent 532 days on vacation in less than four years.”


The report further points out that “Expedia’s Annual Vacation Deprivation Report showed that Americans, on average, get 12 paid days off a year but don’t even take all that. In Japan, workers take 12 days off annually.”

“Americans are nearly twice as likely to go a year or more between vacations (32% vs. 18% globally),” the report adds.

Ok, let’s do the math(s).

“Using Expedia’s average of time off Americans take, Biden’s tally is the equivalent of over 48 years of vacations — 48.3 years, to be exact,” the report reveals.

Who has been running the country?

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