ASU Snowflakes Melt Down at Sight of MAGA Hats


by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

You wouldn’t think there could be enough snowflakes at Arizona State University to cause a major meltdown but things get weird on the Left whenever or wherever Donald Trump is involved — even if it’s just his famous hats and not the Bad Orange Man himself.

But these are young lefties we’re talking about here and, when it comes to the slightest exposure to differing viewpoints, they’re like the Boy in the Bubble getting shoved into the basement of a Wuhan virus lab that just failed its third consecutive safety inspection.


I’m kidding, of course. Wuhan virus labs don’t have safety inspections.

Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk hosted a voter registration drive at ASU this week with, he says, “MASSIVE turnout.” There were also some turning stomachs if the overwrought responses from some overly sensitive young adults are to be believed.

And believe me, you’ll have trouble believing them.

Facebook user Kaylie got the ball rolling when she commented, “I was soo distrubed seeing all the MAGA hats everywhere today [grumpy face emoji] confused why there was so many and when I found where they got them from [I puked emoji].

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