A Coup d’etat With The Communist Democrat Party Hellbent On Transforming These Once United States Into A Totalitarian Banana Republic Run By Ultra-Liberal Corporate Despots


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

While researching in an effort to determine just who is actually running this nation aside from the generic Obama’s, CIA, CFR elites, etc. in order to see what affects that may have on our looming “elections” (selections) something odd appeared that keeps growing larger and larger in my mind, and I do not know if I can adequately describe it, but will try to do so.  The original purpose of my research was to try and see who may be the actual peoples involved in the Second Ezrdas Three Eagle Heads and for that I do not have a definitive answer, but have obtained a few suggestions that may differ from those I would have stated a couple of weeks ago.

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As I so often do, perhaps we should begin with some basic definitions in order to help keep a few thoughts organized and lend understanding to the ideas suggested.  Merriam-Webster defines Oligarchy as a form of government ran by the few where “a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes” and that must be expanded to meet the goal of a better understanding.  An Autocracy is when power is in the hands of a single ruler, a dictator.  I believe we, the current United States, are not a simple Autocracy even though someone thinks he or she may be just that dictator somewhere behind the curtains while reality is somewhere in between those extremes and may be better defined as some specific form of an Oligarchy, and as World Atlas mentions, some of those variations include an Aristocracy more readily singled out as more of a Plutocracy.  In other words, power vested in a few elites, and refined to say by very wealthy citizens.  Much closer to what we see, but can still be improved upon.

That comes very close to the Council on Foreign Relations that grew from a Corporatocracy which has been singled out as the leading center of power because of their massive wealth and the fact that they have been selecting our leaders since they inserted Herbert Hoover into the office of the President almost right after organizing for just that purpose to carry out their demands.  Remember that wealth equals power and power equals wealth; and with one you can obtain the other.  Satan is very well aware of this and the basis of his vastly increased domain seems to be based on just that principle as can be seen by the comparisons of our present oligarchy and the communist dictatorship style oligarchy of the Peoples Republic of China and semi-theocratic dictatorship of the Islamic Republic Supreme Leader held in power by the IRGC; the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

We will stay with the definition of an oligarchy as given in many dictionaries such as Cambridge “a small group of very powerful people that controls a government or society” and National Geographic’s definition as according to “Aristotle, an aristocracy signified rule by the best members of society, while an oligarchy was characterized by the rule of the few for corrupt and unjust purposes.”   Special emphasis on the underlined segment intended.  An article by Cambridge concerning power and uprisings within dictatorships has the following to say; “most dictators are toppled by their close supporters, not civilian protesters.”

The insertion of a willful and obedient servant to enact the desires of the few hyper wealthy that rule over us was bounced off of the wall with the election (not Selection) of Donald John Trump.  Even though historically massive voter fraud schemes by those elites did all they could to insert the Arkansas Mafia boss-ette Hillary into power, they failed.  Thank God!  However, not to be shunned again, those Satanic orders multiplied their efforts many times to install Little Joey Dementia into power, thinking he would be some sort of “easy to direct actor” to handle their affairs on the public stage.  For a short season that seems to have been the case, and even with the usage of so many actors playing the part of that all but brain dead family extortion and scam business boss idiot, things kept going awry and so something else needed to be done.

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