by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:
Poisonous baby food, brought to you by the same company that funds Planned Parenthood. See the connection here?
The Defender reports that a new investigation led by Friends of the Earth found an alarming number of pesticide residues in baby food manufactured and sold by Target under its house brand Good & Gather.
Lab tests of two items — the non-organic apple and the pear fruit purees for babies — revealed no less than 21 pesticides, including 12 classified as extremely hazardous to human health.
Chemical pesticides called neonicotinoids were present in 100% of the baby food samples tested. These chemicals have been linked to birth defects of the heart and brain, learning disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, damage to the nervous system and hormone disruption.
Neonicotinoids are among the most devastating pesticides since DDT, The Defender reports, writing:
U.S. agriculture has become nearly 48 times more toxic to insects, including essential pollinators like bees, since the introduction of neonicotinoids. And they are a critical factor driving over 200 endangered species toward extinction, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The toxic biproducts of pesticides, including organophosphate pesticide metabolites, were also found in 100% of the baby food samples.
The Defender reports that “Scientists have called for a complete ban on these chemicals, as they are known to be highly toxic to children’s developing brains, even at low levels of exposure. They are associated with reduced IQ, attention disorders, delayed motor development and learning disabilities. They have also been shown to harm bees, birds and aquatic organisms like fish.”
The article goes on to say that ten of the pesticides found in Target’s baby food are linked to endocrine disruption. “Incredibly small amounts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals — the equivalent to one drop in 20 Olympic swimming pools — can alter brain development, hormones, immune systems and more.”
HERE’S MY TAKE: There’s an interesting connection to this story that you won’t hear many other writers make but I’m going to hit you with it here.
We have a corporate behemoth, Target—it’s one of the largest retailers in America and one of the largest corporate financiers of the baby-butchering Planned Parenthood. And now we find out that Target is actively involved not only in the killing of babies inside the womb, but also engages in poisoning babies outside the womb. Is that a mere coincidence? I’ll let you be the judge.
And don’t think for a minute that Target is the only company guilty of poisoning our babies and children.
Nearly half of all non-organic baby food contains some level of chemical contamination, an Environmental Working Group study found in 2023. EWG’s investigation detected nine pesticides in dozens of non-organic baby foods and none in organic products.
The days when you could just pick up a jar of baby food, or any food, off the grocery store shelf and trust that it is safe are gone.
The European Union would never allow toxins to be placed into food for babies or adults. But in the United States, we have a Food and Drug Administration that is filled with corporate cronies and basically anything goes.
For those of you who aren’t aware, The Defender, which broke this story, is the news organ of the Children’s Health Defense Fund, a project of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
RFK Jr. recently gave up his presidential bid and agreed to support the candidacy of Donald Trump. He was all but run out of the Democrat Party, and now we can see why. While he is not yet the pro-life political figure we wish he would be – RFK is a supporter of abortion – he is staunchly in favor of preserving babies who are lucky enough to make it out of their mother’s wombs. As a Democrat nowadays, you must be 100 percent pro-death, whether it’s unborn babies, born babies, warmongering across the globe, or pushing euthanasia on the sick and elderly. They’d just as soon kill us all. Anything less will get you booted from the party.
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