Why Was Moderna Allowed to Use A Toxic mRNA Dose?


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

The data that proves Moderna used a deadly dose and the psychopathy that led to the choice to use it

More confirmation that Moderna is 30% more deadly than Pfizer and both vaccines are unsafe. There isn’t a single mortality comparison by brand posted by a public health agency anywhere in the world EVER! Not even in internal documents. That tells you everything you need to know, doesn’t it? –

•One of the major problems facing mRNA technology was finding a dose that was strong enough to elicit the desired effect but simultaneously not unbearably toxic. Moderna in turn chose a dose that was 3.3X greater than what even Pfizer felt was safe enough to use.

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•Since the vaccines hit the market, numerous datasets have shown the Moderna vaccine is roughly 50% more likely to injure recipients (which includes deaths, miscarriages, and birth defects). Despite this, no regulator has done a basic comparison on the safety of the vaccines.

•Steve Kirsch recently got access to a country-wide dataset on deaths following vaccination. It showed clearly and unambiguously that the Moderna vaccine caused 30% more deaths than Pfizer’s. Additionally, it also showed that Pfizer’s vaccine raised the risk of death by 34% and that both vaccines had minimal efficacy in preventing COVID-19 deaths.

•Moderna’s decision to bring a toxic mRNA dose to market reflected the corrosive culture at this startup, which swindled billions from investors over false promises of the miracles of mRNA and fired any employee who did not repeat the mantra, “mRNA gene therapies are safe and effective.” Likewise, Moderna’s approval and protection once on the market go hand in hand with the government’s heavy financial investment in Moderna.

One of the most common questions I received at the start of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout was if it was better to take Pfizer, Moderna or to wait for J&J’s to come out. Given all the potential risks of the mRNA technology (e.g., of it not breaking down, it potentially integrating into the genome, or it having a high theoretical risk for causing cancerautoimmunity, and blood clots—all of which there was still no public data on), my typical advice was to wait for J&J’s likely safer one to come out as that would give them more information on the risks and benefits of each one and simultaneously to provide them with early treatment options for COVID-19 so they didn’t need to be as concerned about catching the infection.

Note: each of the sources I linked to above demonstrates why it was possible to know this risk existed prior to the vaccine rollout.

Based on their comparative designs and the reports I received, I suspected Moderna was the worst. For example, someone I knew who developed a common debilitating autoimmune condition after Moderna was told by their rheumatologist that they had seen the exact same thing happen in multiple patients after Moderna, while someone I know who had a sudden expected tendon rupture was likewise told the same thing by their orthopedic surgeon. Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible to come to a clear conclusion here as the majority of the people who shared their adverse reports with me (and I compiled here) knew it was Pfizer or Moderna but weren’t sure which, and since far more Pfizer vaccines were given in the United States that it became quite hard to know if proportionally I was receiving more reports of severe injuries from Moderna.

Note: I similarly saw the fewest injuries from J&J, but within samples I took of people I knew who took each, J&J seemed to have a comparable if not higher acute injury rate than the mRNA vaccines (whereas the mRNA seemed to be worse in the long term).

However, despite the potential issues with Moderna’s vaccine, I’ve largely focused on Pfizer’s malfeasance throughout the pandemic. This essentially was because:

•Pfizer’s vaccine was FDA approved, so it was possible to get significantly more information on it (e.g., through FOIA requests—whereas it is only been fairly recently that we’ve been able to get records of the severe injuries that occurred throughout Moderna’s clinical trials).

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