Why Chuck Summer Should be Removed from the Senate for his Usurpation of Power


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

With each passing day, our Nation is declining into a state of where civilization is no longer sustainable. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has introduced legislation seeking to strip Donald Trump of any immunity for his definition of a criminal action, in a blatant usurpation of power where he seeks to reverse the Supreme Court’s landmark decision on Trump’s Immunity calling this the “No Kings Act” where he has asserted the unconstitutional attempt to strip[ the Supreme Court completely stating that ONLY Congress, not the Supreme Court, determines to whom federal criminal law is applied.

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Schumer had better study law if he wants to pretend to be outraged over the Supreme Court’s Immunity decision regarding Trump. He would NEVER say a word if it was concerning Biden. People like Schumer are destroying the United States with their Marxist agenda. He should look at the immunity that senators and representatives have as laid out in Article I that they are “privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.” Yet, all we hear is that Trump should be prosecuted for his speech on January 6th.

Schumer is a complete hypocrite, and I find it really offensive the antics he constantly pulls that are dividing the country. He should also look at the fact that the Attorney General is ABSOLUTELY IMMUNE even if he recklessly indicts Trump or if a prosecutor brings charges against you, even for personal reasons. The Supreme Court previously held

“A state prosecuting attorney who, as here, acted within the scope of his duties in initiating and pursuing a criminal prosecution and in presenting the State’s case, is absolutely immune from a civil suit for damages under § 1983 for alleged deprivations of the accused’s constitutional rights.”

Imbler v. Pachtman, 424 U.S. 409 (1976)

Tripartite Government – Executive – Congress – Supreme Court

The Separation of Powers

Chuck Schumer has violated his oath of office, and this latest bill is a usurpation of power even worse than the Democrat’s exaggeration of January 6th. He should be taken out of the Senate in Chains, for he has sought to destroy everything that the United States was built upon. They have conspired against Trump and RFK because they NEVER want anyone from outside of their little club on Capital Hill.

Obviously, Chuck Schumer is a complete idiot and should not be representing even a stray dog on Capital Hill. If he understood the Constitution, he would know that the bill he has just introduced is so outrageous it borders on not just partisanship but outright Treason against the United States. The leading case that every law student knows is Marbury v. Madison, which is the seminal case on this very subject of the separation of powers.

Marshall John Chief Justice 1

It began in January 1801, when then-President John Adama had been defeated in his reelection bid. There was a vacant seat, and Adams sought to fill the position of Chief Justice at the U.S. Supreme Court before he left office. Adams initially asked former Chief Justice John Jay to return to take the position. However, John Jay turned down the offer. Adams then nominated his Secretary of State and close advisor, John Marshall, who had been a lawyer but never a judge, to take the position on the Supreme Court. Senate unanimously confirmed him for the top spot on the court.

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