Whitney Webb: The 2024 Financial Collapse Has Begun! You Must Prepare (again misconceptions about Westen failures and Ukraine)


by Grzegorz Ochman, The Duran:

“I think, you know, it’s something that has been planned for some time. What’s interesting is that MBS, as soon as he came to power during the Trump Administration, was very close to Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. We know from emails that have since come out that Kushner was promoting the idea of stablecoins, like an official US dollar stablecoin. He actually shared a Sam Altman blog post with Steve Mnuchin of the Treasury Department, talking about the USD Coin. This was before Circle launched USDC, so it’s very possible that these discussions were being had some time ago. It may not be as recent as it appears based on the headlines that have been coming out recently.”

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“What I’m going to tell you now,” he said, “may sound incredible. But then, when you’re not accustomed to history, most facts about the past DO seem incredible.”

― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World


This is what I am writing all the time. People who own this world are not stupid, and I am sure they have some plan. I do not believe they allowed this to happen unintentionally; they had to plan for it and have a strategy. Many people think it wasn’t planned and that it happened by mistake. I do not agree with that. Convincing us of their failures is part of their playbook, just like they did with Iraq and Libya. I wrote about it in one of my latest posts:

The Iraq War: What Happened, Cost, and Reasons for the Iraq War, and Misconceptions About US Military Failures

Just like in Iraq, they also had a problem: what do you tell the public? How do you explain this to the children? Are you going to say, “We are going to destabilize the area, promote and support terrorists who cut people’s heads off, and make sure they take control over oil fields so that we can later buy oil from them illegally at a discount to make a profit”? They can’t say that, so they came up with the story about WMDs, then the narrative of evil Islamic terrorists and the clash of civilizations.

To be able to steal Iraq’s oil, they had to create ISIS, but they could not tell us that. So they come up with a digestible narrative for the audiences—for the citizens, who they treat as children, like: “We tried to help them, and we did all we could, but those pesky terrorists and these Islamic radicals caused a clash of civilizations. We really tried to spread democracy and fix their state, but we just failed because we are stupid failures.”

Now, if they want to do something with petrodollars and replace it with something else, they also can’t tell us the truth straight away. Every time they do something bad that they can’t admit, they try to convince us they just failed. They wanted to do good but are just stupid and failures with good intentions. That was the only way they could explain to the population what they did in Iraq, the same with Libya, and in my opinion, the same will go for what they are planning to do with the dollar and petrodollar.

The same will also apply to Ukraine. I will also write a little about Ukraine. I want to write a later post explaining Ukraine. I wrote many times about Ukraine, but I think people still don’t get one thing.

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