Western globalism and its Nazi-fascist instrument will be defeated in Kiev


by Hugo Dionísio, Strategic Culture:

The infiltration of Nazis, Nazi sympathizers, descendants or not from Nazis, and Nazi collaborators, into the corridors of Western power does not mean a newly seized opportunity for the glorification and whitewashing of all those who were on the opposite side of the Russian, Soviet or Bolshevik divide. This authentic movement to rewrite history and reuse the ideological potential that has been installed represents, above all, the closing of a historical circle, initiated by the most reactionary and fascistic sectors of the Western elite.

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Canada is the perfect example of this historical loop closure, namelly, about reusing this ideological installed capacity and recycling it (and bleaching it) in historical terms. That’s why the episode that took place in the Canadian House of Representatives, which in unison paid tribute to Yaroslv Honka as a fervent freedom fighter, as having “fought the Russians in the Second World War”, was very far from being a simple fluke, a lapse of judgment on the part of Anthony Rota — the House speaker — or a mere courtesy on the occasion of Volodomyr Zelensky’s visit.

Like Yaroslav Honka, countless figures from the Ukrainian diaspora, especially from Galicia, who have been documented as having collaborated with the Nazi forces and, above all, as having participated in crimes against humanity, have been or are remembered, honored and paid tribute to, on an ongoing basis, in Ukrainian society. From involvement in political parties, to public office election, to the funding and promotion of educational and academic activities, these figures with a dark past have found in contemporary Canada the perfect habitat for their historical recycling and recovery. Just as they have found in this country the perfect refuge for their economic recovery.

When Franklin Roosevelt, on the subject of the “Safe Haven” project — which aimed to identify and seize the wealth that the Nazi elite kept in neutral countries — said that if the Nazi elite managed to keep their wealth, they could later use it to regain power, perhaps he wasn’t too far off the mark. Indeed, Roosevelt should not have been unaware that people like the Dulles brothers (Allan Dulles and John Dulles) supported the Third Reich in various ways — including by raising funds on Wall Street — and, at the same time, not only participated in the U.S. Council of Foreign Relations, but, in the case of Allan Dulles, was also an agent of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), which preceded the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

People like the Dulles brothers, supporters of the project to rearm Nazi Germany in order to use it as an element in the fight against “communism”, promoted this operation, supporting it financially in banks like the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), or even in J.P. Morgan, which called Roosevelt a “class traitor”, not only supported the strengthening of Nazi Germany and the Berlin-Rome axis, but later recruited prominent Nazi operatives to establish what would become the CIA and the U.S. secret services, in general.

This is why what is happening in Canada, particularly at the University of Alberta — but not only there — and with the CIUS (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies), represents nothing more than the materialization of the fears of people like Roosevelt, who, while not fervent communists, were also far from representing the most reactionary factions of the Anglo-American financial elite.

Thus, when Petro Savaryn founded CIUS, it was he himself who made real the fears of those who knew what it would mean to house people of Bandera’s stature in free societies. Having been whitewashed and retrained, these figures, with their in-depth knowledge of how to fight — with extreme violence, it must be said — the Soviet enemy first and the Russian enemy second, could now be used as if they were prominent examples of the fight for freedom. In its memorial, the UCC (Ukrainian Congress of Canada) gives a recent account of Savaryn’s life, but carefully erases everything that didn’t happen in Canada. The dark past is not to be repeated, and to achieve this outcome these people relied on the description and complicit silence from Canadian authorities. Thus, Savaryn is presented as an honorable Ukrainian who, from “1982 to 1986, was Chancellor of the University of Alberta,

The University of Alberta’s memorial to Petro Savaryn says everything about this historical recycling and whitewashing: not a word about his participation in the infamous Waffen-SS Galician Division, which committed such brutal massacres against civilian populations of Poles, Jews, Gypsies and Soviets. It’s as if no such thing had ever happened and as if the most important event in Petro (Peter) Savaryn’s life was the founding of CIUS and not his collaboration with the Nazi forces. To say that Ukrainian diaspora organizations in Canada honor and sing the stories of Petro Savaryn in their ceremonies would be redundant. After all, Canada was one of the destinations for thousands of these operatives, who emigrated there from 1945 onwards. Many of them should have been present at Nuremberg, but instead they are honored in the “very democratic” Western parliaments.

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