WATCH: Migrant Appealing Deportation for Sex Crimes Pushes Mailman in Front of Train


from The National Pulse:

migrant appealing a deportation order for multiple sex crimes in the United Kingdom has been convicted of attempted murder for pushing a mailman in front of a train at Oxford Circus station in London earlier this year. Brwa Shorsh, 24, pushed 61-year-old Tadeusz Potoczek into the path of a subway train on February 3. Shorsh denied attempting to kill Potoczek, claiming it was simply an act of “revenge” prompted by the mailman allegedly giving him a “dirty look.”

Shorsh had been living on the streets since arriving in Britain in 2019. He has numerous prior convictions for assault and indecent acts. An earlier immigration tribunal acknowledged his persistent criminal behavior, highlighting 12 convictions for 21 offenses, including assault, anti-social behavior, and public indecency.


After Shorsh pushed Potoczek onto the tracks, another traveler intervened, pulling the 61-year-old back onto the platform. Train driver Robert Walker had managed to activate the emergency brake early enough to avert a tragedy.

Shorsh’s conviction comes just weeks after large anti-mass migration protests and riots that were sparked by the murder of three young girls, allegedly by a migration-background teenager.

So-called subway pushings or shoves, many of which are deadly, have become so common in New York City that they have their own category in the New York Post.

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