U.S. Military Report: U.S. Cannot Defeat China, U.S. Public Unaware of Dangers and Unprepared for Societal Breakdown


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

A truly historic event was held in Washington D.C. this week that barely broke into the news cycle, when Eric Edelman and Jane Harman, from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, presented their findings to members of Congress based on a RAND Corporation published report that came out this week explaining that the U.S. could not win a war against China, and that Americans are totally unaware of the danger they are in and totally unprepared for the consequences of such a war, such as a Cyber Attack that would bring down our ports and much of our network services infrastructure.

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It’s one thing to read an article in the Alternative Media warning about the imminent collapse of society we are facing due to current world events, but it ceases to be a “conspiracy theory” when the exact same thing is said by a DoD military think tank before members of Congress.

I am posting the entire 2-hour video of this Congressional report, as well as a link to the actual study published by the RAND Corporation, but here are a couple of clips that together are under 5 minutes long that show how serious of an issue this is that most Americans are totally oblivious to, and that was barely even mentioned in the news this week.

In the actual report, found here and which I have read, the language is even more dire at times:

We also address our report to the American public, who have been inadequately informed by government leaders of the threats to U.S. interests—including to people’s everyday lives—and what will be required to restore American global power and leadership.

Now, to be sure, they have a very good reason for trying to frighten the public, because what they want is more money for defense spending, and they need some level of public support to get funds approved by Congress.

Of course if they don’t get public support, they’ll just do it by the tried and true methods that have worked in the past, and if you read carefully between the lines of what they wrote, you will clearly see a veiled threat to use this same playbook:

The U.S. public are largely unaware of the dangers the United States faces or the costs (financial and otherwise) required to adequately prepare. They do not appreciate the strength of China and its partnerships or the ramifications to daily life if a conflict were to erupt. They are not anticipating disruptions to their power, water, or access to all the goods on which they rely.

They have not internalized the costs of the United States losing its position as a world superpower. A bipartisan “call to arms” is urgently needed so that the United States can make the major changes and significant investments now rather than wait for the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

The support and resolve of the American public are indispensable. (Source.)

9/11 of course has been revealed as a CIA operation (see: Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Shows 9/11 Hijackers were Recruited by the CIA) to get Americans on board to invading Iraq and passing sweeping new laws that allowed U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on all American citizens now, and the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was well-known beforehand by President Roosevelt, who knew that it was the only thing that would convince the American public to agree to entering World War II, and therefore allowed it to happen. See:

Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11

So what this report effectively does is warn the American public and their (s)elected officials in D.C. that if they don’t give the DoD and their private contractors what they want, they are going to punish them by creating another false flag event and then blame it on Iran, or Russia, or China, or all of the above to scare Americans into giving them their full support.

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