Turkish Intelligence Agency Brokers Largest Prisoner Swap with Russia in Modern Times Total Views : 44


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Most of the headline news yesterday was about the largest prisoner swap with Russia since the end of the Cold War period, giving a brief moment of positive news among a steady stream of negative headline news that comes across our screens day after day.

And yet among all the reports about this prisoner swap as reported in the U.S. news, there was barely a mention about who made all of this possible, which was the country of Turkey, and their national intelligence agency, MIT.

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The prisoner swaps happened in Ankara, Turkey, the nation’s political capital, a city that I once called my “home” back in the 1980s, when I was studying Turkish at Ankara University and living in the city.

Türkiye-coordinated prisoner swap gains global attention

International media focuses on Ankara’s role in prisoner exchange, highlighting operation’s complexity and scope.

An extensive prisoner exchange operation conducted by Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) has attracted significant international media coverage.

Türkiye orchestrated on Thursday a major swap involving 26 prisoners from the US, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Russia, and Belarus. The operation saw 10 prisoners, including two children, being sent to Russia, 13 to Germany and three to the US.

Prominent figures among those released include The Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich, former US Marine Paul Whelan, German mercenary Rico Krieger, Russian opposition figure Ilya Yashin, and Russian Federal Security Service officer Vadim Krasikov.

International media widely reported on Türkiye’s MIT for coordinating a significant prisoner exchange involving seven countries. Outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and BBC focused on Ankara’s crucial role due to its ties with all the parties and underlined the operation’s complexity and scope.


Full article.

Turkey is a country that is constantly portrayed negatively in the U.S. media, including the alternative media, mainly due to American prejudices against Muslim people.

Turkey is the only Muslim nation that is part of NATO, and it has maintained strong, friendly ties to Russia, a country it borders, for decades now.

This event has now thrown Turkey into the international spot light, showing that the country has serious diplomatic clout and perhaps an intelligence agency that has been very under-rated in the West.

Prisoner swap mediation proof of Türkiye’s diplomatic clout — Altun

Communication director says Ankara’s mediation in the historic prisoner exchange underlines commitment to peace and stability through global partnerships.

Türkiye has successfully mediated the exchange of 26 prisoners from seven different countries, showcasing its diplomatic experience and commitment to regional stability, the country’s communications chief has said.

Türkiye, as of yesterday, successfully carried out its most comprehensive prisoner exchange in recent times, Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said Friday on social media platform X.

“Türkiye once again proved that it is a diplomatic heavyweight with special partnerships with various countries around the world. We use our capabilities in the service of peace and stability through impactful cooperation with different actors,” he added.

Türkiye hosted and mediated one of the biggest prisoner swaps in the world. As part of the exchange operation, individuals were transferred to Türkiye via seven aircraft, including two from the US and one each from Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, and Russia.

“This operation has gone down in history as the most extensive hostage exchange between the US, Russia, and Germany in recent years,” the Turkish National Intelligence Agency (MIT) said in a statement on Thursday.

Türkiye contributes to peace with Erdogan’s leadership

Altun separately stressed that under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Türkiye, continues to contribute to peace and stability on the international stage.

He emphasised that Türkiye uses its diplomatic capacity to serve peace and stability through effective collaboration with various actors.

“The crucially necessary seriousness in handling delicate negotiations has been exemplary,” Altun said.

Altun further explained that Turkish intelligence established channels for dialogue and mediation for this historic operation, which required communication among global powers in competition and conflict.

“Our country has once again shown itself to be a reliable partner engaging with different parties. Türkiye is determined to maintain open channels of dialogue in all international conflicts and will continue to create platforms to facilitate the participation of all parties and the conduct of mediation activities,” he said.

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