The Most Dangerous Question of 2024 — What If Kamala Harris Isn’t an Idiot?


by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, after a coup against their former standard-bearer Joe Biden, we face a very disturbing question.

What if Kamala Harris isn’t the idiot the media has made her out to be?

Harris was clearly chosen for this role. She’s been groomed for it for nearly two decades. She isn’t the best of a list of bad choices. The Democrats drove the good choices from the party and blocked others becoming a part of it.

There were no Democratic primaries, folks.


She was placed as Biden’s Vice-President to have the inside track on this gig when they decided Joe finally had to be dragged from the stage.

The coup was penciled in on the Gantt Chart at Evil Corp. Central for the weekend of July 13th.

In 2020, Harris voters roundly rejected her for President, getting zero delegates before being roasted by Tulsi Gabbard. She dropped out despite being the darling of the media and the donor class. Going into those primaries, she was the establishment’s pick.

Once she failed they moved to Plan B: rig the game for Biden. They said, “We’ll install a mushroom so corrupt we can make him do whatever we want Joe just wants his money and his ice cream.”

So you force Harris onto Joe. Or the other way around… never mind she’s too old for him.

Meanwhile Harris waited. She let Joe take the heat. She said little, did less and then is installed, tabula rasa, into a campaign just days after a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump to steal even that thunder.

We were never allowed to discuss her culpability, along with the cabinet, as to how Biden could have been running the country for the past three years without them invoking the 25th amendment out of pity for the man if nothing else.

Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot Democrats don’t have emotions other than hate and envy.

She was installed as the candidate to front-run an insurgency at this week’s convention by Hillary Clinton and her merry band of Neocons. Don’t expect them to take this sitting down, there are likely to be some sparks this week in Chicago, even if they don’t turn into a bonfire.

So, that leads me to ask my question, not because I think Harris is some latent IQ160 or anything. I asked my question because this is a woman who faced zero real voters and is one vote-rigging operation away from the presidency.

So, maybe she’s a genius when measuring her political intelligence.

What if we’ve all been led down the primrose path of stooping to Trump’s level coming up with cute memes about her vast collection of knee pads or her inappropriate laughter at tragedy?

What if that is exactly the means to lull us all into thinking there’s no way anyone will vote for this woman?

And if this was any normal (a nebulous term these days at best) election, I would agree with you. But, for 90% of the fifty elections the US is going to hold for its president, who you vote for doesn’t matter.

This is, as always, a five state race.

All that matters is printing/counting the right number of votes in those five states and the rest is just a Benny Hill skit.

Harris chose uber-commie and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate to what, exactly? Shore up the only state that voted for Walter Mondale in 1984? Really?

No, it was to do a few things:

  1. Signal that they didn’t need Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to win there.
  2. Continue Obama’s antipathy towards Israel. They don’t need “The Jews” anymore.
  3. Put the Quarter-Black HR Nanny in charge of the cucked White Guy.

After that, all you have to do is use AI and special effects to make fake crowds supporting fake polls and faker ads to sell everyone on the idea that this woman is what Americans want to rule them over this…

The sad part is that too many people still think this is all just part of the game. But it isn’t. It’s nothing more than the same playbook run in 2020 to create just enough plausible deniability that Harris can win this election before they steal it and dare us to do one damn thing about it.

Or did you miss how upset the French and British are at their recent outcomes?

So, Kamala cackles her way through scripted interviews. She and Walz dance around bringing “joy!” to the world. But when you actually get her talking about policy, about what she believes in, the cackling stops, the fangs come out, it’s just communism all the way down.

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