The Agenda Is To Elect Kamala


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Dear American, this is your next presidential administration:

It will be anti-white, anti-family, pro-open borders, pro-legalization of sexual perversity, pro-sexualization of young children, and pro-war.

It cannot be deterred by your votes, because the election will be stolen.

In the swing states the methods used by Democrats to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections have been legalized. Moreover, if news reports are correct, in some, perhaps all, of the swing states it is now illegal to challenge election outcomes.


If you will remember, when Kamala Harris competed for the presidential nomination in 2020, she was immediately eliminated. She had zero support.

If you will remember, she has been an unpopular vice president.

Yet today the media presents her as leading Trump, who continues to turn out massive attendance at his appearances, as the likely next president.

The media uses rigged polls and positive coverage of Kamala and negative coverage of Trump to create in the voting public’s mind the expectation of a Kamala victory.

The polls are rigged by overweighting Democrats in the polled population.

Google Kamala and you will find 90% of the information is favorable.

Google Trump and 90% is unfavorable.

By creating the expectation of a Kamala victory, the ground is laid for stealing the election. It is not possible to steal an election unless the election is close or the person for whom the election is stolen is presented as the leading candidate.

Ask yourselves, how did Kamala go from zero support among Democrats to the leading presidential contender?

She did not win the primary election as there was no primary.

She has not had any debates, much less triumphed in one.

She represents everything but white Americans, families, sexual morality, peace, law as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of government, nationhood instead of a tower of babel, truth instead of lies, the Constitution instead of a woke agenda- based rule.

The media have made it completely obvious that the election is going to be stolen. Why else the rigged polls and biased coverage? The public is being prepared to accept a stolen election.

And Republicans are silent.

If Trump raises the issue, the media will say that Trump has already admitted that he is going to lose and is already raising the theft issue prior to the election. Obviously, Trump cannot be the one who raises the obvious issue in front of our eyes that the Democrats are going to steal the election.

The theft has to be raised by Republican governors, US Senators, US Representatives, and that small part of social media where free speech is still possible.

Try to imagine Republican wimps raising a real issue.

Republicans are incapable of fighting. As they have never done it, they don’t know how.

Moreover, even if they were capable of fight, they wouldn’t, because it would cast aspersion on the purity and sanctity of “American democracy.” Republicans regard any effective self-defense as a reflection on the American myth. The “USA USA USA” crowd would get upset.

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