The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

On August 28, I listed some of the electoral procedures Democrats are putting in place in order to steal the November presidential election:

Minneapolis has designated those who entered the US illegally “justice impacted individuals” and put them into a protected class which apparently includes the right to vote.

The DNC has filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board to block the rule that requires counties to ensure the accuracy of the votes prior to certification. If you remember, this was a question in the 2020 election when Georgia and other states’ votes were certified without authentication.


In Wayne County, Michigan, the 19th most populous county in the US (there are 3,244 counties in the US) which includes Detroit, Warren, and Dearborn, 98% of the poll watchers appointed to oversee the 2024 presidential vote are Democrats.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the ban against ballot drop boxes that allow fraudulent ballots to enter the vote count. Here is the NBC News headline: “Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns ruling that barred most ballot drop boxes”

The Biden regime provides immigrant-invaders with federal ID cards when they enter. In blue jurisdictions immigrant-invaders are registered to vote when they apply for a driver’s license. The Democrats can then vote the registrations.

Thus the presstitute false news report from the Democrat New Republic that “Kamala Harris is inspiring many new voters to register.”

This is the way that the ruling establishment will explain the sudden increase in ballot numbers from illegal alien votes. These votes might be accounted for by illegal aliens voting or by Democrats stuffing drop boxes with the automatic registrations of illegals that puts immigrant-invaders on voting lists when they are issued driving licenses.

As Republican poll watchers have been eliminated from such populous areas as Wayne County Michigan, there is no check on illegal alien voting.

Newsweek reports that “Kamala Harris Overtakes Donald Trump in New Poll.”

This particular poll comes from the Florida Atlantic University Political Communication and Public Opinion Research Lab. If memory serves, this is the left-wing university, financed by the insouciant Florida government and taxpayers, that has caused so much trouble for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.

Ask yourselves how in less than one month Kamala Harris went from the most disapproved of American politicians to being the front runner in a presidential election and such an inspiring candidate that the voting rolls are bulging with new voters for Kamala.

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