Switzerland Launches ‘Assisted Suicide Pods’ to Euthanize Citizens with the ‘Push of a Button’


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Switzerland has launched a new vending machine-like “assisted suicide pod” that allows people to climb inside and be euthanized with the “push of a button.”

The new portable death “pod” is on track to claim its first victim this year after winning approval from the Swiss government.

Florian Willet, the CEO of the pro-euthanasia organization The Last Resort, announced the launch of the machine during a recent press conference.

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Willet declared that Switzerland will “soon” use its portable suicide pod to begin killing citizens.

According to Willet, people are eagerly awaiting their chance to die in the machine.

“Since we have people indeed queueing up, asking to use the Sarco, it’s very likely that it will take place pretty soon,” Willet said.

He continued by eerily describing it as a “beautiful way” to die.   

The pod is called Sarco, short for sarcophagus, the name of the coffins in which ancient Egyptian pharaohs were buried.

The futuristic-looking capsule was first unveiled in 2019.

The invention was pitched as a way to more efficiently euthanize people in Switzerland.

However, the contraption was met with controversy.  

During a recent interview with the South China Morning Post, Sarco’s founder, Philip Nitschke explained how the pod works.

Nitschke has been nicknamed “Dr. Death” for his attempt to “glamorize” suicides.

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