Surprise! Surface ocean temps deal chilling blow to green agenda


from WND:

Back in the day when television still was relatively new and the space program was developing, there was concern about a new “ice age,” as earth’s temperatures were dropping.

Then there was global warming, when those data points reversed themselves, and for years it held.

But those trends also stopped, and activists who had been using “global warming” to their political benefit changed to “climate change,” which presumable was a good talking point no matter the evidence.


Science, in fact, has documented that Earth’s climate has had a multitude of changes up and down over the centuries, but the latest iteration is what the Biden-Harris administration has been using to spend, literally, trillions of dollars.

It’s what’s behind that unseemly push for expensive and environment-impacting electric vehicles. And the attacks from Biden and Harris on fossil fuels. And much, much more.

But now there’s trouble for the ideologues, as a new report from the Daily Sceptic is headlined, “Party over for alarmists as sea temperatures plunge around the world.”

The report said scientists are “reported to be puzzled at the speed of the recent decline. Less puzzlement was to be found when the oceans were ‘boiling’ during the last two years. Plebs flying to Benidorm for an annual holiday and causing ‘global heating’ was a favourite explanation, although mainstream media put it in marginally more polite terms.”

The report noted the “trope” was a standby for “every alarmist spy promoting the Net Zero insanity.”

But, it said the current surface sea temperature graph documents that those readings now are 0.2 degrees Centigrade lower than before.

“In the Atlantic, the turnaround has been even more dramatic. Temperatures have cooled quickly since May and in the central equatorial region are up to 1°C colder than average for this time of year. The American weather service NOAA notes that the high SSTs at the start of the year were the strongest warm event since 1982. The rapid transition from warm to cold SST anomalies (current temperatures compared over a longer past trend) was said to be remarkable,” the report said.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in fact, said, “Never before in the observed record has the eastern equatorial Atlantic swung so quickly from one to another extreme event.”

The report explained, “It is not unusual for waters in these parts of the Atlantic to cool in the summer months as seasonal southern winds drag surface waters away from the equator and expose deeper colder water. The process is called ‘upwelling’, but this year it coincided with a weakening of the trade winds which should have led to warmer anomalies.”

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