Saturday, January 18, 2025

Rent is up 22%, and food is up 40% in Kamala’s America


by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

Kamala Harris wants us to build an economic framework that punishes those who are productive and that rewards those who are not. Instead of a meritocracy where each person is rewarded based on the value their efforts provide to everyone else, she envisions a system of resentment in which we ‘teach’ our children that they will fail no matter what they do – we go so far as to let them earn doctorates (going hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt in the process) about how no matter what they might do, they will fail – and then we tell them that those who produce are the problem.


It is a simple and powerful message: “It is not your fault that you are living off the efforts of others. It is actually the fault of those whose efforts you live off of. Vote for me, and I will help you get even.” This is, incidentally, the oldest sort of fight in human existence: a literal Cain against Abel.

As I reported in a previous column, how Karl Marx was a self-professed Satanist. It is no surprise, then, that Marxism makes the wicked brother the hero of the story.

Osama bin Laden recruited from some of the poorest places on Earth with the same basic message: “Your lot in life is not your fault, and if you join me, I will help you to get back at those whose fault it is.”

Henry Kissinger once said that the best way to end terrorism is to give the terrorist his or her own country. The assumption here is that giving a terrorist organization the responsibility of building and running a functional society will make them far too busy to focus on terrorism. Unfortunately, as we have seen from Hamas and Hezbollah, it is entirely possible for a terrorist organization to become the ruling party of a piece of land and then take all of the resources for that piece of land and to use them to continue committing acts of terrorism.

Henry Kissinger assumed that terrorists cared about the people they claimed to be fighting on behalf of. The truth is that terrorist groups can function purely on hatred toward other groups.

Article Seven of the official Hamas charter says, “The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.’”

Article Twelve says that killing Jews is “the individual responsibility of every Muslim, and Article Eighteen specifies that all children should be raised with the primary responsibility of killing Jews, specifying further that any “peaceful solution” with or normalization of the relationship toward Jews is forbidden – anyone who works toward such things is to be killed and will go to hell for all eternity as a traitor.

Is it any surprise that when Hamas was elected by the people of the Gaza Strip to run the Gaza Strip, they oppressed the people of the Gaza Strip, using whatever resources Gaza had (or could get) to fight Israel? Hamas is happy to have ceasefire agreements when it is losing in battle, but the only purpose is to rebuild. Hamas only exists to kill Jewish people; it has no other purpose.

Sadly, much of the left throughout the Western World is totally ignorant of everything about Hamas other than the fact that Hamas claims to be oppressed. The left showers Hamas with money, which Hamas then spends on weapons that it uses to kill Jewish people. When Hamas is given humanitarian aid, it hoards it and sells it, using the proceeds to buy weapons it can use to kill Jewish people.

The left makes excuses for Hamas, saying that they just want to live out from under the oppressive heel of Israel. The truth is that Hamas had that for twenty years and was still only interested in killing Jewish people. Note that the vast majority of the aid going to the Gaza Strip comes from Israel, even in the midst of war.

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