Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Decoded!


    by Neenah Payne, Activist Post:

    The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics is an opportunity for the host nation to showcase its culture. In the 2024 Summer Olympics, France could have celebrated its great cuisine, wines, and perfumes, its beautiful art in the Louvre, its music, that it is the fashion capital of the world, etc.

    Instead France chose very woke ceremonies that offended billions of Christians and others. Paris Olympics 2024: Global controversy on drag-themed depictions of historical and religious figures shows that the ceremonies caused a global uproar, particularly because of what seemed to be a depiction of The Last Supper in which Jesus was replaced by a drag queen. The highly sexualized displays had nothing to do with sports. So, what were they really about?

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    France decided that what best represents it in the 21st century is the French Revolution in 1789 with its bloody Reign of Terror. It was a time when Christianity was banned and France descended into a murderous bloodbath. Did France choose that horrible turning point in European history because it is calling for a globalist coup now?

    The mascot of the French Olympics was the Phrygian Cap worn by revolutionary mobs when France descended into civil war for 20 years and Republicans were murdered. France banned Christianity for a number of years and 40,000 people were killed from 1792-1794. Jacobins called for mass decapitations including of the king and queen. The Opening Ceremony featured the gruesome talking decapitated head of Queen Marie Antoinette.

    The French Revolution was a war against Christianity. The attempt to fully de-Christianize France was a major goal of the revolution. It looked forward to Karl Marx and Mao Zedong.  Countless churches were closed; thousands of priests were killed; a new revolutionary calendar replaced the old Christian Gregorian calendar.

    French Revolution Inspired Communism

    Historian Paul Johnson said when the French Revolution erupted in 1789, it boiled over into the murderous Reign of Terror. Church historian H.W. Crocker said:

    In all this, the French Revolution presaged the state religions of Nazism and Communism, and, indeed, in its mass murders, nationalist uniformity, militarism, and lootings in the name of the state and of equality.

    The French Revolution and The Reign of Terror were the inspiration for Karl Marx’s Das Capital on which communism was foundedKarl Marx: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte explains:

    The German philosopher and founder of international communism, Karl Marx (1818–83), wrote on many occasions about the French Revolution, which he considered the first stage in an eventual worldwide proletarian revolution….Marx considered the French Revolution the classic example of the “bourgeois revolution”.

    Karl Marx saw the French Revolution as the precursor to communism. During the Communist revolutions in Russia, China, and Spain, the national governments were overturned, Christianity was banned, and tens of millions of people were killed. See The Marxist Inheritance of the French Revolution and Karl Marx and the Paris Commune. Karl Marx Meets the Devil: A Conversation with Historian Paul Kengor: Paul Kengor is a professor of political science, and he’s also Senior Director of the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. His most recent book is The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception and Infiltration.

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