Friday, October 18, 2024

NYT: Gov’t Docs Prove Hunter Biden Burisma Influence Peddling


by Daniel Baranowski, America Outloud:

Itrust that what I’m about to share is just between you and me. I’ll soon turn 75 years of age. Advancing age has its downsides and some crucial upsides. Perhaps the most daunting downside is understanding with each added year, death comes closer and closer. No, I don’t mean to be morbid or macabre; it’s just that age has its limits, and at 75, those limits appear much closer. Especially given I’ve battled Leukemia for the past ten years, and its reappearance is close to finding me again. Leukemia isn’t the only life-threatening challenge I’ve had to face this past decade.


I’m alive because of my faith, my family, my physicians, and the incredible advances in medical science, advances that would likely never have been possible if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz had been President and Vice-President a decade ago and had their way with abolishing private healthcare insurance and replacing it with their Socialistic Medicare for All.

Senator Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All plan, first proposed in 2019 and co-sponsored by Senator Kamala Harris, aimed to abolish all private healthcare insurance for 180 million Americans covered by such insurance and replace it with one federally controlled Medicare for All plan.

In short, the federal government would purchase healthcare coverage with your tax dollars and tell you the types and amounts of coverage you’d receive every year and, by inference, the types and quantities of healthcare you wouldn’t receive. At the least, every citizen (whatever being a citizen means these days) would receive primary and emergency care.

However, many advanced procedures and chronic care services won’t be available to Americans as they once were for those of us with private healthcare insurance. And the wait times to see a physician, especially specialists, will balloon into months. Ask the 150,000 Canadians who come to America each year for healthcare and advanced procedures they can’t wait for. The same is true of countries with Socialized medical care.

Like all things Socialistic ⏤ Medicare for All is a sinister push for “equity.” In other words, we would all receive the same care regardless of whether some need advanced care. Advanced care must be available to all or none of us. For instance, the type of advanced care I require for my chronic Leukemia likely wouldn’t be available to me after I reached a certain age. Perhaps I could self-pay for the care I’d need, but short of being very wealthy, this would be a short-lived approach.

The only way Kamala and Bernie can make Socialist medicine work for all is to raise unbelievably high taxes and limit demand by limiting the types of medical care after a certain age. The federal government will also likely place care limitations on neonatal care for extremely premature newborns. And what do you think about waiting ten weeks for a primary care appointment and ten months for a specialist?

The economics, social engineering, and politics required to install a Socialized “Medicare for All” healthcare system are far beyond what I have space to discuss today. Suffice it to say that I seriously doubt Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Bernie Sanders will get very far with Socialized Medicare for All over the next four years. First, Kamala and Tim Walz have to win the upcoming election. Nevertheless, should they win, they will continue to chip away at our current Medicare and Medicaid systems while attempting to Socialize pharmaceuticals, hindering research and negatively affecting the rate of new drugs coming to market.

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